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Shared symbolism of global youth unrest

Paul Mason Economics editor, for The language and the time zone changes but, from Turkey and Bulgaria to Brazil, the symbolism of protest is increasingly the same. The Guy Fawkes masks, the erection of tent camps, the gas masks and helmets improvised in response to the use of tear gas as a means of collective punishment. The handwritten signs - scrawled in defiance of the state's power and the uni ...

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It’s high time IMF ceases to exist and the Greek government resigns

You can find the recent report from IMF on Greece here: Link [pdf] Some read the recent IMF report on Greece as a mea culpa for its mistakes in the Greek bailout. We see it differently. You can say sorry for an unintended mistake, a miscalculation. The case we have here is not an accident. IMF’s inhumane and otherwise ineffective policies are not, as IMF asserts, the result of a methodological error, simply ...

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Hungry Britain: welfare cuts leave more than 500,000 people forced to use food banks

More than half a million Britons have resorted to using food banks to stave off hunger and destitution, the Government has been warned. Major charities signalled their alarm over a dramatic rise in the nation's "hidden hungry" – families who are forced to ask for help to feed themselves – because of wage cuts, the squeeze on benefits and the continuing economic downturn. The numbers have trebled in the past ...

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AUSTERITY’S DRUG OF CHOICE – Sisa Is Destroying the Lives of Athens’s Homeless People

By Alex Miller Part1 Part2 A meeting with an anarchist in Exarcheia, a district of Athens. Photos by Henry Langston.   Standing in the Athens police headquarters, interviewing the director of the drug unit, I realised I had a bag of chemically enhanced crystal meth in my pocket. I’d bought it the night before from a Greek homeless man and had forgotten to throw it away. After the interview, I stepped o ...

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Southern Europeans Flock to Germany

               Associated Press  German flags wave in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin. FRANKFURT—Immigration to Germany hit a 17-year high last year as Southern Europeans flocked north to escape economic recession and search for jobs, fueling the debate over the consequences of immigration for the German economy. In all, 1.08 million people moved to Germany last year, or 13% more than in 2011, Ger ...

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Greece: Despair pervades camps after 33 migrant workers shot in Manolada

The victims of a recent shooting at a strawberry farm in southern Greece still fear for their livelihoods and safety, Amnesty International said after a visit to the farm. A group of 33 Bangladeshi workers at the farm in Manolada were shot on 17 April by farm supervisors when they joined other workers protesting because they had not been paid for seven months. Eight of them were seriously injured. “They hit ...

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Into the Fire

The Hidden Victims of Austerity in Greece Into the Fire: The Hidden Victims of Austerity in Greece - English from Chickarama on Vimeo.   A hard hitting documentary which shows the plight of refugees and migrants in recession hit Athens, Into The Fire is a film with a difference. Shot and edited with sensitivity and compassion, it doesn’t pull its punches and makes for harrowing viewing in parts. It is ...

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The Real Cyprus Template (The One You’re Not Supposed To Notice)

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, The Real Cyprus Template reveals the core-periphery Neocolonial-Financialization Model in all its predatory glory. Much has been said about "the Cyprus Template" (the so-called bail-in, where deposits are expropriated to recapitalize the insolvent banks), but virtually nothing has been written about the Real Cyprus Template. Longtime correspondent David P. ...

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Portugal court rejects some government austerity measures

Portugal's constitutional court has rejected four out of nine contested austerity measures in this year's budget in a ruling that deals a blow to government finances but is unlikely to derail reforms two years after the country's bailout. The measures rejected by the court should deprive the country of at least 900 million euros ($1.17 billion) in net revenues and savings, according to preliminary estimates ...

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