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Call for solidarity to the workers of ERT, 13 June in Amsterdam.

On Tuesday night, the Greek government blocked the transmission of the Greek public broadcaster (ERT). The decision was taken earlier that day by the government in a totally undemocratic way. There was no prior discussion about it in the parliament. PM Samaras' "success story" has not convinced anyone, so he decided to take one more "successful" step towards the Troika's demand for 4.000 layoffs of civil se ...

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It’s high time IMF ceases to exist and the Greek government resigns

You can find the recent report from IMF on Greece here: Link [pdf] Some read the recent IMF report on Greece as a mea culpa for its mistakes in the Greek bailout. We see it differently. You can say sorry for an unintended mistake, a miscalculation. The case we have here is not an accident. IMF’s inhumane and otherwise ineffective policies are not, as IMF asserts, the result of a methodological error, simply ...

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Solidarity from Syntagma to Taksim!

 [ 7th  June 2013. Beursplein, Amsterdam ] Solidarity with protesters in Turkey For many days, Turkish people have been taking to the streets to fight for their future. For many years, they have been facing the brutal repression of undemocratic regimes. The Turkish people paid the price of the economic crisis in the beginning of the previous decade and the ‘recovery’ that followed. The well-known recipe of ...

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Benefit dinner in Amsterdam supporting [independent media community]

REINFORM organises a 3-course vegan dinner at MKZ (Eerste Schinkelstraat 16, Amsterdam). This time we try to support the crowd-funding campaign of, an independent media community in Athens, Greece. Radiobubble is an open medium for communication and information, run by a community of volunteers. We’re based in Athens, even though many of us live in other cities around the world. We operate on ...

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The Violence of Austerity in Greece – Photo exhibition

    Photos by Marios Lolos, president of the Greek Union of Photojournalists, Dimitris Michalakis, Yiannis Karabatsos, Yiannis Biliris and the archive of the newspaper Avgi, document the effects of austerity measures on the Greek society. The exhibition will also host the collection of photos #MAT1236 showing the police brutality in Greece. Citizens struck by poverty and hunger, massive protests a ...

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Screening of the documentary ” Into the Fire” in Amsterdam.

ReINFORM invites you to the screening of the documentary " Into the Fire" at 8th of May in Cavia filmhuis in Amsterdam. In times of severe austerity things look bleak for Greek people, but they’re far worse for those who have recently arrived. Without housing, legal papers or support, migrants in Greece are faced with increasing and often violent racism at the hands of the growing Nazi party Golden Dawn and ...

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Gouden Dageraad: hoe invloedrijk zijn ze?

18 zetels hebben ze in het Griekse parlement en met omstreden media-optredens blijven ze in de aandacht. Χρυσή Αυγή, oftewel de Gouden Dageraad-partij, is tot ver buiten de Griekse landsgrenzen niet onopgemerkt gebleven. De extreemrechtse partij, die vaak zelfs als nazistisch wordt aangeduid, werd in 1993 opgericht door Nikolaos Michaloliakos, die in de Griekse media soms wordt aangeduid als de "Führer". De ...

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Crisis at the VU University Amsterdam: another symptom of ‘marketization’

Over the last 1.5 years, the VU University Amsterdam has been embroiled in a battle against severe budgetary cuts. The university board (consisting of three members, one of whom is the former CEO of a port company and another, the former CEO of a bank), has launched a reorganization program that includes budget cuts of €33 million. This reorganization will result in 500-600 layoffs (a reduction of 350 full- ...

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Ook wij steunen de strijd voor de thuiszorg!

Het uitkleden van de gezondheidszorg en in het bijzonder van de thuiszorg in Nederland, is niet nieuw in Europa. Dit gebeurt al in de zuidelijke landen met als excuus de crisis. In Griekenland was de goedkope staatsgezondheidszorg al voor 2008 zo uitgekleed dat privéklinieken, instellingen, corrupt medisch personeel en leveranciers er jarenlang flink aan verdiend hebben. Na de bezuinigingen, die door de EU ...

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