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Democracy, Solidarity and the European Crisis

The European Union owes its existence to the efforts of political elites who could count on the passive consent of their more or less indifferent populations as long as the peoples could regard the Union as also being in their economic interests all things considered. The Union legitimized itself in the eyes of the citizens primarily through its outcomes and not so much from the fact that it fulfilled the c ...

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Screening of the documentary ” Into the Fire” in Amsterdam.

ReINFORM invites you to the screening of the documentary " Into the Fire" at 8th of May in Cavia filmhuis in Amsterdam. In times of severe austerity things look bleak for Greek people, but they’re far worse for those who have recently arrived. Without housing, legal papers or support, migrants in Greece are faced with increasing and often violent racism at the hands of the growing Nazi party Golden Dawn and ...

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“15″ – Antifascism, Repression, Torture.

This documentary is the first work by the AudioVisual Collective "Alpha". You can download and share the video from Vimeo with English subtitles by ReINFORM Link "15" - Antifascism, Repression, Torture. from Reinform NL on Vimeo. This  is a short video documenting the events on 30th  of September and has testimonies from the tortured antifascists. This is a little overview of the event posted on Guardian : ...

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Six arrested for taking down the Greek flag

Police detained a total of 69 anti-establishment demonstrators who were protesting the shutdown of Indymedia   Anti-establishment demonstrators take down the Greek flag from the roof of the Athens University in protest against the shutdown of Indymedia. The government spokesman says the «violent taking down of the Greek flag offends the national sentiment of the Greek people» Police on Wednesday detained 63 ...

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Free media in Greece are under attack

Athens Indymedia and independent radio station 98fm are under attack since yesterday. Repression shall not pass! The website of three independent media that are associated to the movement,, Radio 98FM and Radio Entasi are not accessible since Thursday noon due to state repression.[divide] Their ISPs stopped providing an internet connection following the prosecutors decision. Three of th ...

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Ook wij steunen de strijd voor de thuiszorg!

Het uitkleden van de gezondheidszorg en in het bijzonder van de thuiszorg in Nederland, is niet nieuw in Europa. Dit gebeurt al in de zuidelijke landen met als excuus de crisis. In Griekenland was de goedkope staatsgezondheidszorg al voor 2008 zo uitgekleed dat privéklinieken, instellingen, corrupt medisch personeel en leveranciers er jarenlang flink aan verdiend hebben. Na de bezuinigingen, die door de EU ...

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No Refugees on the streets or in jail !

Tijd voor protest!   Demonstratie ‘Geen vluchteling op straat of in de cel’ – 23 maart – Amsterdam Mars vertrekt 13:00 vanaf Vluchtkerk Amsterdam Erik de Roodestraat 16 – goed bereikbaar via tram en metro. Manifestatie op het Museumplein vanaf 14:30 Sprekers, actie en een ééndaags tentenkamp. ...

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Strijden om te winnen

Europese Meeting op 9 Maart Event facebook De crisis en de schoktherapie die men ons oplegt zorgt voor grote protestbewegingen in Europa. Sommige landen zoals in het zuiden van Europa, zitten zelf de rand van de sociale explosie. In andere landen is de strijd pas begonnen. Kom luisteren en discussiëren met militanten die met hun beide voeten in deze bewegingen staan. Zij zorgen voor een overzicht van de wee ...

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Liverpool TUC supports the fight of people in Greece

"Liverpool TUC condemns the use by the Greek Government of authoritarian, undemocratic methods of conscription/civil mobilisation against striking workers in the transport sector (metro and ferries) in an escalation of the attack against the fighting people in Greece. Liverpool TUC notes: The continuing attack by the Greek government, urged on by the Troika (IMF, European Bank European Commission), against ...

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Greeks Ask Themselves: Who’s A Greek?

Stephanos Mwange, a Greek-born citizen of Ugandan descent, says his love for Greek history and mythology have inspired him to act ancient Greek tragedies such as Hecuba. He's a well-known actor, though his positive experience as a naturalized Greek citizen is exceptional. Most from a similar background say they've been made to feel like foreigners. When it comes to immigration, Greece faces a dilemma: The c ...

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