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Unhappy in their own ways

The threat of a Greek exit The escalating Greek crisis leaves Ireland and Portugal, in particular, ever more vulnerable   THE deep uncertainty over what will happen next in Greece unnerved financial markets. On May 7th the euro touched its lowest value against the dollar since January while in Athens the stockmarket fell by 7% and bank stocks by 13%. Greek bonds also took a hit, with the yield on the t ...

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Spain's general strike shows first signs of rebellion against austerity

Austerity measures look set to become far more dramatic on Friday, when prime minister Mariano Rajoy delivers one of harshest budgets ever seen in Europe. With near-empty railway stations, shut factories, mass marches and occasional outbreaks of violence during a general strike on Thursday, Spaniards showed the first signs of rebellion against the reformist, austerity-preaching conservative government they ...

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#yonopago In Madrid, you get arrested for cheering, taking photos and showing your solidarity

Posted at This release comes from the hands of 50 assaulted, threatened and enraged people. After the call of February 1st, we decided to transmit the brutal, fierce and disproportionate repression that we lived in this I don’t pay action. We can only show 6 out of the 9 arrests that took place (we were not around in the others); we cannot show either the countless aggressions (the ...

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From the group REinFORM we want to show ours more energetic protest by the action of the Jefatura Provincial de Telecomunicaciones of Asturias about the community radios.This department (under the authority of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce) has started to send letters to the residents of the flats where there is located the necessary equipment to broadcast of some community radios of the re ...

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Marshall Auerback: Anschluss Economics – The Germans Launch a Blitzkrieg on the Greek Debt Negotiations

By Marshall Auerback, a portfolio strategist and hedge fund manager   News stories continue to suggest that Greece once again appears on the verge of reaching a deal with its private sector creditors on how much of a loss they would be willing to accept on their bond holdings. The latest numbers suggest a 70% write-down. A pretty striking comedown for what is supposed to be a “voluntary default” and, h ...

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How Austerity Is Killing Europe

On the last day of 2011, a headline in The Wall Street Journal read: “Spain Misses Deficit Target, Sets Cuts.” The cruel forces of poor economic logic were at work to welcome in the new year. The European Union has become a vicious circle of burgeoning debt leading to radical austerity measures, which in turn further weaken economic conditions and result in calls for still more damaging cuts in government s ...

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US pressured Spain to implement online piracy law, leaked files shows.

US ambassador threatened Spain with 'retaliation actions' if the country did not pass tough new Sopa-style internet piracy laws. The US ambassador in Madrid threatened Spain with "retaliation actions" if the country did not pass tough new internet piracy laws, according to leaked documents. The latest revelation comes amid a fierce debate over America's own plans to pass online piracy legislation that criti ...

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Politicians under the euro: at the wheel but not steering

For all the talk about a democratic crisis in euroland, politicians gave much of their sovereignty away in the past decade A novel sight was on display in southern Europe yesterday: voters actually choosing their next prime minister. Over the past month, the Greeks and Italians have seen their leaders tossed out of office and replaced with unelected technocrats. In the case of Spain, which went to the polls ...

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What is a popular assembly and how do we coordinate ?

This text has been prepared by the Commission for Group Dynamics in Assemblies of the Puerta del Sol Protest Camp (Madrid). It is based on different texts and summaries which reached consensus in the internal Assemblies of this Commission (and which will be made available on the official webs of the 15th May Movement) and from the experiences gained in the General Assemblies held in this Protest Camp up unt ...

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