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Greek MPs support austerity package [Photos and Videos]

The Greek government has secured enough votes to pass deeply unpopular austerity measures essential to unlocking further aid from foreign lenders. The fragile three-party coalition managed to secure 153 votes. 151 votes were needed to win approval for the package of spending cuts, tax hikes and labour reforms despite the junior-ruling Democratic Left party's refusal to back it. Outside parliament buildings ...

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Greeks strike against austerity

Workers in Greece are staging a 48-hour general strike across the public and private sectors in protest at a proposed new wave of austerity. Public transport has been shut down, but fewer people have demonstrated than during previous stoppages. MPs are due to vote on the package of salary and pension cuts, and labour market reforms today. ...

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Trade unions march against cuts

People came to London from across the land to march in protest at the coalition government's spending cuts. Nurses, firefighters, teachers and prison officers joined over 150,000 protesters yesterday in huge demonstrations against the Government, loudly cheering calls for a 24-hour general strike. Union officials and politicians, including Labour leader Ed Miliband, bitterly attacked the coalition's spendin ...

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Austerity-weary Greeks stage new general strike

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece was facing its second general strike in a month Thursday as workers protested over another batch of austerity measures that are designed to prevent the bankruptcy of the country. The strike was taking place as European leaders headed to Brussels for a summit in which Greece's economic fate will likely feature large. The strike grounded flights, shut down public services, closed ...

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Portuguese police clash with anti-austerity protesters

Portugal’s riot police have clashed with demonstrators protesting against the government austerity measures, which include salary cuts and tax hikes. On Monday night, thousands of angry demonstrators made a large fire outside the parliament building in the capital Lisbon where the riot police used batons to disperse them. ...

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Walmart's First-Ever Retail Worker Strike Spreads To Six Cities

The first-ever strikes by Walmart retail workers have spread to Dallas, Seattle, Miami, Washington D.C., Sacramento and San Francisco. Walmart workers are striking in at least six cities, according to a release sent out by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union on Tuesday morning. Until last Friday, when about 60 Walmart employees walked off the job for a day in Los Angeles, no Walmart retail workers ...

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Protest in Athens 9/10/2012

Police fired tear gas as angry protesters clashed with officers in Athens as thousands rallied in the Greek capital in protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit. Merkel is in Athens for austerity talks with the country's Prime Minister.   ­Angry protesters picked stones from the cracked pavement and hurled them at police. AFP estimated that at least 100,000 people turned out to express th ...

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Spain faces fresh street protests as unions call for strike

Thousands of Spaniards marched in cities across the country on Sunday to decry tough austerity measures, part of a growing protest movement that shows no signs of abating and could culminate in a general strike in November. Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards have taken to the streets in near-daily protests over the past few months, creating a headache for the centre-right government as it faces regional ele ...

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It’s official: Quebec – Mass Movement Leads to Victory for Students

In Quebec, Canada, an impressive student struggle, connected to protests against attacks on civil liberties has ended in a partial, but nevertheless important, victory. There is reason to learn lessons, but also to celebrate and to be inspired. Let's shout it from the rooftops, as a sign of more to come. For months, students in Quebec fought against a Draconian college fee rise that the Chares government tr ...

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