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A very brief analysis of the so-called Greek problem

Many things are said the last few weeks about the Greek debt problem and the attitude of the Hellenic State and its citizens collectively. As an artistic vehicle of Greek origin Nightfall take the opportunity to offer music people -who may lack proper information about the political and financial matters ruling everyone’s life these harsh days- a brief view of current events. Firstly it is worthy to mention ...

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Athens Report on 27/9

Just came back from Syntagma square and i felt like sharing with you what happened but basically my innermost disappointment. Today was the day that the greek parliament was about to vote this new tax on properties and a call for gathering in Syntagma square was quite well promoted some days ago. But in Syntagma were something like 1000 people, there was no dynamic at all, a few people scattered around here ...

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Greece is sinking even deeper in the Financial Crisis.

[Swedish reporter] Kajsa Ekis Ekman visited this misunderstood country with a broken social contract where... everybody agrees with each other. How would it feel if all that belong to us were sold to pay back loans, from which we never received any benefit? If our salaries were cut down to half and the money went directly to foreign banks? And if, while we were preparing ourselves to struggle for a bare livi ...

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Is Greece Europe’s Trojan Horse?

Groningen 6 Oct. Yanis Varoufakis Co-speaker Michael Koetter Language English The Euro is in crisis. Europe’s politicians and central bankers are in confusion. And European electorates balk at more bailouts and more centralization. Is the Euro finished? Should the ‘PIIGS’ (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) never have joined the Eurozone? Will Greece go bankrupt? Who will follow? And do we need a U ...

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Greek Crisis Exacts the Cruelest Toll

HERAKLION, Greece—The first time he despaired of his debts, Vaggelis Petrakis drank a poisonous brew of beer and gasoline. By MARCUS WALKER for the World street Journal   A note he left didn't mention the financial woes of his fruit and vegetable business, of which his family was well aware. Instead, he left instructions for his children on how to look after his animals. "Put mother rabbit in a differe ...

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Is this the Greek Poll Tax?

Anger mounting in Greece as government attempts taxation through electricity bills For the past months, weeks, days, two questions have been in more and more peoples’ mouths, both with some increasing urgency: When will the Greek economy officially go bust, and what happens then? And, when will the excruciating austerity measures break the bone of social consensus – when will people have enough? It seems li ...

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Greece must default and quit the euro. The real debate is how

A Greek default and exit must be taken in the people's interests – not entrusting the process to the EU, IMF and banks. Costas Lapavitsas for Greece is facing an economic and social disaster, the result of its so-called rescue by the "troika" of the EU, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. Greece must change course to avoid a grim future for its people: it must defau ...

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Schuldet Deutschland den Griechen 70 Milliarden?

In Griechenland heißt es, man habe Deutschlands Hilfe mehr als verdient. Immerhin seien aus dem Weltkrieg noch Rechnungen offen. "Welt Online" hat nachgerechnet. Autor: Sven Felix Kellerhoff on Here you can read it in English by NYT. In der aktuellen Debatte um eine mögliche Staatsinsolvenz melden sich in Griechenland immer mehr Stimmen zu Wort, denen zufolge Deutschland noch enorme Schulden aus ...

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Greek school books contain a harsh economic lesson

As Greece's children are forced to make do with photocopies instead of books, the true cost of this debt crisis is clear Aris Chatzistefanou and Katerina Kitidi for Last week marked the beginning of the school year in Greece. Children's faces were full of smiles but their schoolbags were empty, since the state didn't manage to distribute the school books. Instead, the government resorted to l ...

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Students’ assemblies of the Occupied Universities of Athens: Call For Struggle

People, men and women, workers, Greeks and immigrants, The deepest darkness has covered our society. An unprecedented attack is launched against our rights that have been established after long struggles. Employment, education, health care and all public goods are entering a new medieval era. This new medieval era is imposed by the iron fist of the PASOK-government and the international mafia of the E.U. - ...

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