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A new Greek draft law proposes the temporary legalisation of illegal buildings in return for a fine.Or how state coruption becomes legale..

Paying through the roof by Damian Mac Con Uladh THERE are up to a million of them, according to government estimates, to be found all over the country, within towns and cities and far beyond them, some large, in your face mansions and others smaller refuges against the summer heat. They are Greece’s illegal homes, long a scourge on the country’s physical and natural environment and a problem that successive ...

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Greece plans blogging-crackdown after protests

ATHENS | Wed Aug 3, 2011 7:01pm IST (Reuters) - Greece will tighten its internet and media laws to stem violence against politicians backing a deeply unpopular austerity plan, the justice minister said. The move follows public warnings by Prime Minister George Papandreou last month that violent protests against spending cuts, pushed through by his government to satisfy international lenders, threatened to d ...

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Greek rise in homelessness creates a new poor

Debt crisis forces many on to the streets through bankruptcy and job loss Peter Papadopoulos, an unemployed chef who became homeless last August Peter Papadopoulos, who became homeless last August, has been in a hostel in Athens for the last three months. Photograph: Sean Smith for the Guardian A young man is sitting in the corner of the Klimaka hostel, rocking himself against his knees in a slow repetitive ...

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Fears of far-right rise in crisis-hit Greece

The Associated Press ATHENS, Greece — They descended by the hundreds -- black-shirted, bat-wielding youths chasing down dark-skinned immigrants through the streets of Athens and beating them senseless in an unprecedented show of force by Greece's far-right extremists. In Greece, alarm is rising that the twin crises of financial meltdown and soaring illegal immigration are creating the conditions for a right ...

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Guardian: House of the rising repayments

An abandoned 19th-century villa has become a symbol in bricks and mortar of dubious public-private deals. By Aditya Chakrabortty To understand one of the most intriguing stories of the Greek debt crisis you don't need a degree in economics or an expert grasp of Brussels diplomacy – merely a willingness to get a bit muddy. You start with a cramped 15-minute bus ride out of central Athens to a suburb called Z ...

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Municipality cops and riot police evacuated by force the protesters camp at Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece after 60 days.

Municipality cops and riot police evacuated by force the protesters camp at Syntagma Square in Athens, Greece after 60 days. At 04:20, 4 Riot team squads circling each side entered the revolutionary camp. A small team of police officers with a D.I. entered from the lower side. The Riot guards surrounded the protesters while the D.I. stated that the protest and the camp were declared illegal, due to a Greek ...

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Deutsche Bank berät Griechen bei Umschuldung

by Financial Time Deutschland Deutschlands größtes Geldhaus in einer Dreifachrolle: als Gläubiger, als Ideengeber für die Umschuldung in Person von Josef Ackermann – und nun auch noch als Berater der Griechen. Heikel ist auch die Rolle von BNP Paribas. von Barbara Schäder Frankfurt Die Deutsche Bank wird sich an der geplanten Umschuldung Griechenlands gleich mehrfach beteiligen: Als Gläubiger und ...

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London Message to Syntagma

In this time of great confusion, political apathy and misinformation we are compelled to respond dynamically to issues that affect us all as citizens of the world, as human beings. We EXPRESS OUR SOLIDARITY to Syntagma Square and, together, we call for the RE-ENFORCEMENT of the network of the Real Democracy Now groups across Europe. 1) We CONDEMN the propaganda of the major mainstream media who do not tell ...

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Is it okay to celebrate the new agreement a little later?

Who doesn’t want to celebrate a great success, especially if it ensures the preservation of his country from total financial disaster which until recently had being consider inevitable. And there is much need for celebration indeed, for an outburst of joy, a success, a breakthrough from all this discomfort and painful failures the country experienced since the outbreak of the "Greek crisis". But ultimately, ...

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