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Don’t visit Greece!

You have doubtlessly been informed that Greece is bankrupt and had to recourse to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). You might be wondering who are those responsible for Greece’s bankruptcy. If your country was bankrupt, wouldn’t you ask for those responsible to be brought to justice? I guess so. This is what the Greeks ask for as well. However, in Greece there are none responsible for the bankruptcy. N ...

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Spiegel Online – The People Behind the Numbers: Greece Threatened with Widespread, Long-Term Poverty

By Manfred Ertel in Athens Greece is tightening its belt -- and the number of people living in poverty is surging as a result. Thousands line up in front of food banks and resort to rifling through rubbish bins. The country's financial crisis is rapidly turning into a social one -- while wealthy tax evaders manage to get off scot-free. This time, the fight for survival last exactly 29 minutes. At precisely ...

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Geen wurgcontract voor de Grieken: Onderteken de open brief aan Minister van Financiën Jan Kees de Jager

Op 14 juli zullen we deze open brief aan Minister van Financiën Jan Kees de Jager sturen als reactie op zijn onacceptabele opstelling tegenover Griekenland. Ook zullen we verschillende media vragen deze brief te publiceren. Onderteken deze brief door via onderstaande link je naam in te vullen, en stuur het door. Beste Jan-Kees de Jager, Verheugd reageerde u op de beslissing van de Griekse overheid op 29 jun ...

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The Guardian: Defaulting rescued Argentina. It could work for Athens too

Struggling under an impossible burden after its IMF bailouts, Buenos Aires knew its one hope was to stop paying its debts and become a pariah – and so it proved By Heather Stewart, July 10 2011 Protesters on the streets of Athens this summer have been brandishing banners depicting a panicky helicopter airlift. Not Saigon at the height of the Vietnam war, but Buenos Aires in 2001, when Fernando de la Rúa fle ...

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ROARMAG: In Greece, crisis and violence stir a collective trauma

by Jérôme E. Roos on July 11, 2011 Economic collapse and police brutality bring back painful memories of years of military dictatorship and decades of financial hardship. Syntagma Square, Monday July 11th Like so many other words in the English language, the words trauma and crisis trace their roots back to classical Greek: τραῦμα literally means ‘wound’, while κρίσις means so much as a ‘turning point in a ...

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The Guardian: Greece set to default on massive debt burden, European leaders concede

• Bailout fund may be used to buy back Greek debt • Markets in turmoil amid escalating anxiety By Ian Traynor European leaders bowed to the inevitable and conceded that Greece is likely to default on its massive debt burden, which would be a first among the 17 countries using the euro. They also abruptly shifted tack in the eurozone debt crisis by raising the possibility of using the eurozone's bailout fund ...

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"At least before I fell I got the chance to hear: Bread-Education-Freedom"…

Journalist Manolis Kypraios is now disabled because of the brutal violence he suffered at the hands of the repression organs of the State while he was covering the strike movement on the 15th of June. Specifically, a member of the riot police intentionally threw a stun grenade within inches of his head, causing total hearing loss in both ears, even though our colleague had identified himself as a journalist ...

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Amnesty International: "Tear gas fired as Greek police clash with Athens protesters"

29 June 2011 AI Index: PRE01/324/2011 Greek riot police must not use excessive force in their handling of violence during protests in Athens, Amnesty International said today amid reports protesters were hospitalized as police fired massive amounts of tear gas. The clashes came amid two days of protest in Syntagma square against an unpopular austerity bill, approved by the Greek Parliament today. “The large ...

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