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Human right violations

To my rapist President of the Hellenic Republic, To my rapist Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, To my rapist Minister of Citizen Protection, This morning around 11.30, I was heading with a friend towards the crossroad of Rizari and Vasileos Konstantinou streets, when a group of ELAS (Helenic Police Force) officers ordered us to a precautionary search of my backpack and a body search of my friend. My ...

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The Wall Street Journal: Greece Is About to Get Hosed

By Mark Gongloff After this week’s political drama in Greece has faded, the EU and private investors still must come up with a way of rolling over Greek debt without triggering a default. And it increasingly looks like the plan being hammered out for that purpose will be bad for Greece. In a nutshell, the idea is that banks and insurance companies owning Greek debt will be able to trade half of the Greek bo ...

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The Guardian: Greece and the eurozone: Accept reality – and default

Editorial Instead of postponing the inevitable Greek default, it would be far smarter to prepare for it. Seen from Brussels, Berlin or Frankfurt, the crisis playing out in Athens this month looks almost simple, and linear in its direction. The Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, wins a confidence vote, as he did on Tuesday night. The government gets MPs to approve its package of austerity measures, set ...

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The Rise of the Indignant: Spain, Greece, Europe

When Stephane Hessel wrote in Time for Outrage! that indignation with injustice should turn to ‘a peaceful insurrection’ perhaps he did not expect that the movement of ‘indignados’ in Spain and ‘aganaktismenoi’ (outraged) in Greece would take his advice to heart so soon and so spectacularly. In the following link you can hear the audio from the event organized by the Birckbeck Institute for the Humanities: ...

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Letter from Greek students in Netherlands.

They spoke about us (and about you) without us (and you)… We are Greek students in Dutch universities and we take this initiative to write you this letter regarding the event that took place on Monday, 6th of June at the Faculty of Economics of UVA. We write this letter in order to provide our perspective on the situation in Greece and its interconnection to the Dutch public financial sector. We would have ...

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Exposing police brutality in Greece

Almost every day there is a new incident showing us how much value has the human dignity and safety for the police.As a result we have to think where is this attitude coming from.Are the officers themselves bad trained and full of hate or they just follow orders? Both answers are already given.This statement proves it to all. Written by Mariniki Alevizopoulou There was a woman in her sixties. For a few minu ...

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You the people….Or not as the case may be. Greek government vote of confidence

You the people....Or not as the case may be. Greek government vote of confidence You the people...., a photo by Teacher Dude's BBQ on Flickr. Against my better judgement I found myself staying up late to follow the Greek government vote of confidence last night. Not so much to find out the result, that was a foregone conclusion after prime minister,Giorgos Papandreou's cabinet reshuffle/meltdown last week. ...

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What makes the IMF think it's right about Greece?

The same economists who failed to predict the 2007 financial crash are still in the driving seat – and just as clueless in a crisis When did the IMF learn about the economy? That's what people around the world should be asking as the IMF presents its latest assessment of the fiscal and economic prospects for nations around the world last week. Much of the world remains mired in the worst downturn since the ...

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Democracy vs Mythology: The Battle in Syntagma Square

Read and discover the real facts and figures about Greek economy, laziness, and retirement age, the proposed bail-outs and more. I have never been more desperate to explain and more hopeful for your understanding of any single fact than this: The protests in Greece concern all of you directly. What is going on in Athens at the moment is resistance against an invasion; an invasion as brutal as that against P ...

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