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Rise of Fascism in Greece and Europe

Is Greece the Weimar Republic of today? What is the reason for the rise of fascism in Greece and Europe? Is there a relation between fascism, the economic crisis and EU austerity policies? How does the Greek neo-nazi party Golden Dawn take advantage of people's desperation to promote racist violence? What is the role of economic elites in the uprising of fascism? Finally, does fascism help the Greek governm ...

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Kristallnachtherdenking Amsterdam, 9 november 2012

The night of 9 of November 2012; 74 years after the Kristallnacht* the yearly event against racism and discrimination took place in Amsterdam. The event of this year was dedicated to racist violence and extreme right in Europe and was supported by several migrant organizations, trade unions and left-wing groups. A speaker originated from Greece talked about the similarities that are clear in today's Greek s ...

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Love or nothing: The real Greek parallel with Weimar

Of all the operas written during Germany's Weimar Republic (1919-33), probably the most haunting is the last. Kurt Weill's The Silver Lake, written with playwright Georg Kaiser, tells the story of two losers - a good-hearted provincial cop and the thief he has shot and wounded - as they make their way through a society ruined by unemployment, corruption and vice. After spending a week again in Greece - amid ...

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Golden Dawn and the Antifascist Movement in Greece

120 antifascists actions have taken place from August to October 2012. 23 antifascists have been procecuted in October 2012 0 Neonazis International antifascist solidarity: Italy, France, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium   International Antifascist Solidarity - from Florence, Italy   And here is another video from a greek reporter in guardian: A senior police officer claims successive gove ...

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By Augustine Zenakos: 425.000 Greek voters sided with a neonazi political party in the last election. Though Golden Dawn is implicated in a surge of violent attacks, and while its views range from the ridiculous to the downright racist, its popularity is rising by the day. What exactly is Golden Dawn, where does it come from, what is its true nature? What is the extent of their relationship to the police? A ...

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Protest at the detention centre in Corinth reveals inhuman and degrading detention conditions

The provisory detention centre for sans-papers was opened about four months ago in an overnight action by the Ministry of Citizen Protection and Public Order. It is one of three mass detention centres – the others are located in Xanthi and in Komotini – which were set up by the new government in the summer to fit the thousand arrested sans-papers captured during the Xenios Dias sweep operation. There have b ...

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Alarm at Greek police 'collusion' with far-right Golden Dawn

Greece's far-right party, Golden Dawn, won 18 parliamentary seats in the June election with a campaign openly hostile to illegal immigrants and there are now allegations that some Greek police are supporting the party. "There is already civil war," says Ilias Panagiotaros. If so, the shop he owns is set to do a roaring trade. It sells camouflage gear, police riot gloves, face masks and T-shirts extolling fo ...

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Greek anti-fascist protesters 'tortured by police' after Golden Dawn clash

Fifteen people arrested in Athens says they were subjected to what their lawyer describes as an Abu Ghraib-style humiliation. The anti-fascist protesters arrested in Athens during a clash with supporters of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn have said they were tortured in the Attica General Police Directorate (GADA) – the Athens equivalent of Scotland Yard – and subjected to what their lawyer describes as an A ...

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Athens anti-fascist motorcades: “Until the police protect immigrants, we'll do it ourselves”

Over the past few months, as Greece has sunk deeper into crisis, racist attacks against immigrants have risen sharply. Unsatisfied with the police’s response to this violence, residents of Athens have taken to patrolling a neighbourhood where thugs are known to beat up immigrants and cause damage to their shops. They call themselves “anti-fascists”. Their sworn enemy: Golden Dawn and its sympathisers. The f ...

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Greek police send crime victims to neo-Nazi 'protectors'

Far-right Golden Dawn party filling vacuum for those neglected by state after MPs elected to fight 'immigrant scum' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- People hold sacks of potatoes during a food distribution organised by Golden Dawn, in Athens.Photograph: Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters ------------------ ...

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