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İstanbul, Turkey: Taksim Gezi Park occupied

It is the third day of occupation of Taksim Gezi Park in İstanbul. The protest camp started when construction vehicles entered the park and tried to pull out the trees. Government wants to build a shopping mall at the location of the park. So, many people are camping in Taksim Gezi Park to defend the trees. Early in the morning of May 30th, 2013, at around 5am, the police attacked the occupiers with tear ga ...

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Black Panthers to Golden Dawn: ‘Don’t mess with black people’

Self-defense group set up night-time patrols to protect against attacks Nicknamed the Black Panthers, a new self-defence brigade wants to protect themselves from racists who are targeting people who are not ethnic Greeks Michael Chege (Screengrab from Channel 4) Fed up of being the target of Golden Dawn gangs, a group of Athens residents has decided to take on the extremists by setting up night-time patrols ...

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The Netherlands: Administrative detention, chasing refugees and the case of the hunger strikers

The Netherlands, once a showcase for tolerance, is quickly degrading into a country where human rights are just a vague memory from the past. Refugees in search for a safe haven find themselves being locked up indefinitely in a prison regime. Independent medical attention is being made as difficult as possible. Politics crushes basic human rights and it actually seems like a large group of the voters – fed ...

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Utrecht (Netherlands): Eviction Ubica

Saturday May 25th at 3pm, the last squatter of the Ubica was removed from the building. Since friday evening 11pm, police and riot police were busy evicting the building on the Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht. After nine month procedures, the higher court decided on friday that the squatters had to leave the building by monday. The squatters took the initiative not to wait. “The authorities choose the confrontation. ...

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IMF chief Christine Lagarde interview in Amsterdam interrupted by student demonstration

AMSTERDAM — International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde’s appearance at the University of Amsterdam has been interrupted by chanting students. IMF Managing Director Lagarde was speaking to students about the European debt crisis when organized students mixed in with the audience began interrupting pre-approved questions, apparently with criticism of the fund’s policies. Security guards grabbed severa ...

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“15″ – Antifascism, Repression, Torture.

This documentary is the first work by the AudioVisual Collective "Alpha". You can download and share the video from Vimeo with English subtitles by ReINFORM Link "15" - Antifascism, Repression, Torture. from Reinform NL on Vimeo. This  is a short video documenting the events on 30th  of September and has testimonies from the tortured antifascists. This is a little overview of the event posted on Guardian : ...

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Mexican Teachers Riot Over Education Reforms

The protesters in Mexico's Guerrero state attacked the offices of four political parties and a building of the state's education department after legislators approved controversial education reforms. Thousands of teachers have rioted in southern Mexico in protest at education reforms, setting alight the ruling party's local headquarters. Plumes of black smoke billowed from the offices of the Institutional R ...

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Six arrested for taking down the Greek flag

Police detained a total of 69 anti-establishment demonstrators who were protesting the shutdown of Indymedia   Anti-establishment demonstrators take down the Greek flag from the roof of the Athens University in protest against the shutdown of Indymedia. The government spokesman says the «violent taking down of the Greek flag offends the national sentiment of the Greek people» Police on Wednesday detained 63 ...

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Employers reportedly shot at migrant farm workers who demanded six months’ back pay

Police say at least 20 migrant farm workers in the Peloponnese were injured when employers fired at them.     An employer reportedly opened fire against a large group of about 200 Bangladeshi immigrant farm workers in Nea Manolada, on the outskirts of Ileia in the Peloponnese, on Thursday. The immigrant workers had reportedly gathered to demand six-months’ worth of unpaid wages. Police reported th ...

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An unfair and hated tax

The Tory Government had decided to implement a new tax on April 1st 1990 to replace local government taxation systems. They described as their most important, 'flagship' legislation. It was to be a tax on each person rather than on property (as before). The government named it the 'Community Charge', but protestors dubbed it 'the Poll Tax', drawing parallels with the legendary Poll Tax mass uprisings in 138 ...

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