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Vio.Metal. factory under workers’ management

In this video, the representatives of the workers of Viomihaniki Metalleftiki (Greece) talk about their attempt to take over the factory and run it as a cooperative of workers. Viomihaniki Metalleftiki (BIO.ME.) is a company producing building material. Last year, the management decided to abandon the company. In a unique (for Greece) move, the workers launched a project of taking over the factory and runni ...

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Greece: what the potato movement did next

New internationalist magazine From direct deals with farmers to guerrilla parks and suicide prevention, Alexandra Saliba documents grassroots solutions to the financial crisis. Even after securing billions in loans from the so-called ‘Troika’, the Greek economy continues to shrink at an alarming rate. Jobs are vanishing. Unemployment is double the euro-zone average and 55 per cent of people aged between 15 ...

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A Very Greek Depression

Athens LIKE many Greeks caught in the maelstrom of the economic crisis, my wife and I live a day-to-day existence. Since the newspaper where I worked for 23 years (my wife for 17) went out of circulation in December of 2011, we have both been unemployed. Neither of us have received a paycheck in 18 months, as our newspaper stopped paying us five months before it closed. With unemployment for journalists at ...

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2 years after the uprising in Bahrein there is still blood and international media silence

'Teenager killed' in Bahrain protest Witnesses say 16-year-old boy shot during protests to mark second anniversary of pro-democracy uprising, activists say. Bahrain has seen several days of protests in the run-up to Thursday's anniversary [Reuters]   A teenager has been killed during a protest in Bahrain marking the second anniversary of the country's pro-democracy uprising, activists have said. Hussai ...

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Statement by three of the anarchists arrested for the bank robbery in Kozani

Greek original We steal a couple of words from the cells of the detention centre where we are held hostage, in order to state our aims and our intentions and to clear up the air regarding the recent events. As Anarchists, we deem the choice of a bank robbery as a conscious act of resistance. Our act did not aim at the creation of personal wealth. The attack against the temples of capital is part of our revo ...

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Solidarity Resistance Self-organization

In times of economical, social, political and existential crisis, when our rights and our very life are under attack, solidarity is a necessity for the survival of all those who suffer from the neoliberal barbarity. Resistance is the only option against the detrimental policies of both the troika and the governing coalition. Self-organization is the starting point for grassroots mobilization, participation ...

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Solidarity to the public transport strikers in Greece from the Amsterdam public transport trade union

"To the Greek workers in the public transport The trade union Advakabo of the Amsterdam public transport group (GVB) wants to express its support and solidarity to your resistance against the salary cuts and the impending dismissal that you are about to face, if you continue with the planned strikes. We, as members of the trade union in the public sector, also fight in our country against austerity measures ...

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For Villa Amalias, Amsterdam.

From This is small act of solidarity with our greek comrades. The state attack against villa amalias, radio 98fm, skaramagka, lelas karagianni and the DELTA squat [tessaloniki] are not accidents. This spaces where used as tools against state and fascist terror. Tthe state send paramilitary forces to the center of athens to do the dirty work... Outbreaks of lawlessness are the politicians , bank ...

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Solidarity to the public-transport strikers in Greece

  Workers and employees of Athens metro, urban train and the tram are facing wage cuts for the 4rth time in the last 2 years. Their salaries have been already reduced up to 45%. Now, the government wants to abolish their collective labor agreements that provide the minimum salaries for their particular sector and apply a payroll, common for all civil workers instead. The workers want to defend their co ...

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