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A debt write-off for whom?

[ Scroll down for Dutch.] Source:   A new restructuring of the Greek debt is in sight. After 2 loan agreements with the IMF and the EU and one debt restructure in February 2012, politicians and analysts consider a new restructuring inevitable. The new element that is politically-speaking extremely sensitive in central and northern Euro ...

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Most Aid to Athens Circles Back to Europe

PARIS — Its membership in the euro currency union hanging in the balance, Greece continues to receive billions of euros in emergency assistance from a so-called troika of lenders overseeing its bailout. But almost none of the money is going to the Greek government to pay for vital public services. Instead, it is flowing directly back into the troika’s pockets. The European bailout of 130 billion euros ($163 ...

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MOVEMENT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS SAMOS 20/11/2012 Briefing report In 2010 members of the Movement continued to visit the detention centre of Samos on a weekly basis.  Following serious allegations we received by detained refugees and given their inability to address the competent authorities by themselves, we gathered all acquired information and wrote a letter to the Ministry of Citizen Protection requesting to b ...

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Eviction of protest camp in Amsterdam, Friday November 30, 2012

We Are Here, for our Right to Be Refused refugees living on the streets of the Netherlands struggle for life Eviction of protest camp in Amsterdam, Friday November 30, 2012 The Mayor of Amsterdam, capital city of the Netherlands, has ordered the eviction of the protest camp of refugees in the western suburb of Amsterdam called Osdorp. A verdict by the court will be announced on Wednesday 28th at 9 a.m. The ...

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Rise of Fascism in Greece and Europe

Is Greece the Weimar Republic of today? What is the reason for the rise of fascism in Greece and Europe? Is there a relation between fascism, the economic crisis and EU austerity policies? How does the Greek neo-nazi party Golden Dawn take advantage of people's desperation to promote racist violence? What is the role of economic elites in the uprising of fascism? Finally, does fascism help the Greek governm ...

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Refugees demonstration in Amsterdam 27 Nov. A solution is what we want !

We are going to the streets again! There is a very good chance that this week our camp will be evicted. Most of us are likely to end up in refugee jails. Where? We don't know. For how long? We don't know. We plan to stay in action in the camp untill the police comes. But because the end of our camp is probably near we want to go to the street for a public demonstrationmarch one more time, this tuesday! We w ...

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Why we are striking against austerity in Europe

Spain: Fernando Lezcano: 'The sacrifice is not being shared'   The European Trade Union Confederation has called a day of action and solidarity throughout Europe on 14 November to fight against the austerity policies being deployed throughout Europe. This day of action will mean a general strike in this country, which, for the first time in recent history, will also be simultaneously held in other Euro ...

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We are here!

Amsterdam, Saturday 10th of November. Refugees living in tents and facing the danger of deportation demonstrate The Netherlands intend to pass a law that could make refugees and asylum seekers illegal. Refugees and people in the Netherlands demonstrate against this plan.   Refugees demo - Amsterdam 10/11/2012 from Donatella on Vimeo.   We are refugees and not criminals! Asylum seekers from Iraq an ...

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Greece's austerity: democracy tested to destruction

In the heart of Europe, a democracy now teeters on the edge Editorial   The Guardian, In spring 2010, as Athens wrangled with the IMF and the rest of Europe for what would turn out to be a €110bn emergency loan, a revealing, chilling phrase slipped out. When Greece's then-premier, George Papandreou, begged for easier borrowing terms, he was told by Angela Merkel that the deal had to hurt. According to a wel ...

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Joining forces for another Europe

In November, European social movements will meet in Florence to plan continent-wide responses to austerity and the European crisis of democracy. Tommaso Fattori calls for us to make ‘Firenze 10+10’ a priority. In Europe we are living in particularly dramatic times. Democracy is in death-agony and we are witnessing post-democratic processes taking over at the national and supranational level. EU leaders have ...

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