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Tunisia’s revolution annexed

Almost everyone in Tunisia believes that the benefits of the revolution are in danger. Perhaps from a “secular” opposition that refuses to admit that the conservative An-Nahda Islamists were the clear winners in the National Constituent Assembly elections in October 2011. Or from the An-Nahda Islamists, who want to use their victory to infiltrate the state from within, while exploiting the fear inspired by ...

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Correspondence from Bulgaria

Translated by ReINFORM Correspondence from Bulgaria: “The events and developments of the Bulgarian Winter” Up to this time, protesting has been taking place daily (from February, 12 until today, March, 3). Every afternoon people gather at the city centers and protest. This happens in over 40 cities and villages, even in areas where no protests had ever happened before. The protests initially targeted the re ...

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The police assault on Ierissos near the Skouries forest

Greece - 07 March 2013 The police campaign to intimidate and even terrorize the anti-mining movement in north-eastern Halkidiki took a new turn this morning when several platoons of riot police entered the village of Ierissos, allegedly to summon witnesses to the regional police HQ in Polygyros and to conduct house searches. Residents initially reported 6 platoons, but later concluded that the number of rio ...

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No Refugees on the streets or in jail !

Tijd voor protest!   Demonstratie ‘Geen vluchteling op straat of in de cel’ – 23 maart – Amsterdam Mars vertrekt 13:00 vanaf Vluchtkerk Amsterdam Erik de Roodestraat 16 – goed bereikbaar via tram en metro. Manifestatie op het Museumplein vanaf 14:30 Sprekers, actie en een ééndaags tentenkamp. ...

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RTS (Reclaim The Streets) for Binz squat in Zurich

Yesterday,  Saturday March 2nd, the latest Reclaim the Streets (RTS) took place in Zurich. It was only in September 2011, when the youth of Zurich gathered the streets to claim their right for non commercial spaces and parties (which is called Reclaim the Streets here, a demonstration concept invented somewhere in the 90ies) as they met on central places in the city with sound systems to make a big party, w ...

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Mass protests in Portugal over austerity cuts

Many thousands of demonstrators have held marches in more than 20 cities in Portugal to protest against government-imposed austerity measures aimed at lifting the ailing country out of recession. Tens of thousands of people filled a Lisbon boulevard during Saturday's protests and headed to the finance ministry carrying placards saying "Screw the troika, we want our lives back". The troika is a reference to ...

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Strijden om te winnen

Europese Meeting op 9 Maart Event facebook De crisis en de schoktherapie die men ons oplegt zorgt voor grote protestbewegingen in Europa. Sommige landen zoals in het zuiden van Europa, zitten zelf de rand van de sociale explosie. In andere landen is de strijd pas begonnen. Kom luisteren en discussiëren met militanten die met hun beide voeten in deze bewegingen staan. Zij zorgen voor een overzicht van de wee ...

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Mayor to Canadian ambassador: ‘Leave us alone’

Alexandropoulis does not want goldmine, Ambassador Robert Peck told Photo: Perama locals protest against the Eldorado mine at Perama, November 2012 (AMNA) The mayor of a area in the northern region of Thrace where a Canadian company is planning a controversial goldmine project has told the Canadian ambassador to Greece that his people want to be left in peace. "We want to be left alone to develop our fisher ...

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Greek Doctors in despair

Local committee of the Association of Hospital Doctors of Athens and Piraeus General Hospital of Nikaia-Pireus 27-3-2013 The doctors of the hospital have demanded their names to be removed from the schedule of the on-call duties of March as they are unpaid for 5 consecutive months. According to the decision of a massive general assembly, the doctors of the General Hospital of Nikaia-Piraeus “A. Panteleimon” ...

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Action at SNS bank in Amsterdam

No subsidy for empty buildings Friday February the 1st the SNS bank was nationalised. When we are continuously told that there is no money and that cuts to public services are necessary it turns out that there is still 3.7 billion euro left to save a bank and its extensive real estate portfolio. For years trees grew to the sky and no building project was too much for SNS. Now tax payers have to pay the bill ...

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