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Kayiki Press Release: “Grief itself is not enough”

KAYIKI PRESS RELEASE 18.01.2013 “Grief itself is not enough”   On Sunday January 13, 2013 three corpses have been found on the seashore of south Chios Island. They belonged to refugees trying to cross the European borders. On December 15 a refugee boat heading from Turkey to Greece capsized near Lesvos Island, twenty eight people - including women and children- tragically drowned. Earlier, on September ...

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Villa Amalias re-squatted and re-evicted – biggest number of anarchists detained in 15 years

By UPDATE, 11.45 am. If the numbers of detentions are confirmed (101 in Villa Amalias and 40 at the Democratic Left) this would mean today’s police operation will have seen the biggest number of anarchists detained at least since the 1998 Polytechnic riots. At approximately 07:30 on January 9, dozens of people re-squatted Villa Amalias this morning, hanging a banner writing: “Squat for Ev ...

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Idle No More: Hints of a Global Super-Movement

By Jacob Devaney, Founder and Director, Culture Collective   What started as a murmur in early October from First Nations People in Canada in response to Bill C45 has become a movement that echoes the sentiments of people all over the world, a battle cry of love for the planet, "Idle No More." At first glance it might appear that this movement is isolated and doesn't effect you if you are not native or ...

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Amsterdam: New Year’s Eve anti-prison demo at Schiphol deportation camp

 contrainfo (a picture from last year’s solidarity demo) Last night a group of people went to make noise at the new location of the Schiphol deportation prison (Amsterdam). It is an international tradition on New Year’s Eve to go to the prisons to break the silence and isolation. In the new Schiphol prison ‘De Poort’ over 1,000 people will be locked up. Even more cells for a murderous system. Last night, re ...

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Organising to survive in Greece

Tonia Katerini of Syriza describes the social solidarity movement rising as Greeks struggle for survival. The first problem is that in Greece now we have 25 per cent unemployment, with youth unemployment reaching 58 per cent and unemployment in areas that used to be highly industrialised sometimes reaching 70-80 per cent. Many industries either close because we have very low consumption or, as in the case o ...

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MOVEMENT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS SAMOS 20/11/2012 Briefing report In 2010 members of the Movement continued to visit the detention centre of Samos on a weekly basis.  Following serious allegations we received by detained refugees and given their inability to address the competent authorities by themselves, we gathered all acquired information and wrote a letter to the Ministry of Citizen Protection requesting to b ...

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Eviction of protest camp in Amsterdam, Friday November 30, 2012

We Are Here, for our Right to Be Refused refugees living on the streets of the Netherlands struggle for life Eviction of protest camp in Amsterdam, Friday November 30, 2012 The Mayor of Amsterdam, capital city of the Netherlands, has ordered the eviction of the protest camp of refugees in the western suburb of Amsterdam called Osdorp. A verdict by the court will be announced on Wednesday 28th at 9 a.m. The ...

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Refugees demonstration in Amsterdam 27 Nov. A solution is what we want !

We are going to the streets again! There is a very good chance that this week our camp will be evicted. Most of us are likely to end up in refugee jails. Where? We don't know. For how long? We don't know. We plan to stay in action in the camp untill the police comes. But because the end of our camp is probably near we want to go to the street for a public demonstrationmarch one more time, this tuesday! We w ...

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Gaza is no longer alone

In the nations of the Arab spring, people are now rising up to demand Palestinian rights as well A Palestinian woman makes the victory sign during the funeral of a child killed in an Israeli attack in Gaza last week. Photograph: Said Khatib/AFP/Getty Images   If you click here, you can listen to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. You can hear explosions, drones and ambulances. This is the soundtrack of the l ...

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PROTEST ZATERDAG 17 NOVEMBER 13:00 OP DE DAM, AMSTERDAM Israël zet opnieuw de Gazastrook in vuur en vlam op een wijze die doet denken aan 'de aanloop' tot de Israëlische Gazaslachting van vier jaar geleden (ruim 1400 doden, ruim 5000 gewonden, massale verwoesting, terreur tegen ruim 1,5 miljoen daar opgesloten Palestijnen). Kom zaterdag 17 november om 13:00 uur naar de Dam te Amsterdam voor protest. En teve ...

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