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Amsterdam: New Year’s Eve anti-prison demo at Schiphol deportation camp

 contrainfo (a picture from last year’s solidarity demo) Last night a group of people went to make noise at the new location of the Schiphol deportation prison (Amsterdam). It is an international tradition on New Year’s Eve to go to the prisons to break the silence and isolation. In the new Schiphol prison ‘De Poort’ over 1,000 people will be locked up. Even more cells for a murderous system. Last night, re ...

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Do you feel happy when shopping from AH?

"We are one big happy family" says the CEO of the largest Dutch supermarket-chain.   'Happy family' means that workers of the distribution centres are paid 10 euros per hour while he gets 300 per hour. It also means that 50% these workers are employed as flexworkers or via temporary work agencies. It also means that they have to work faster and more intensively every day. Finally, it means that their sickne ...

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Factory occupation and workers control in Thessaloniki, Greece – Discussion Event in Utrecht

By Kritische Studenten Utrecht It is already the 17th month that the factory “Viomichaniki Metalleutiki” in Thessaloniki, Greece, remains closed. The workers attempt an important struggle under difficult circumstances, to get the factory out of capital's grasp and put it under workers control. What difficulties do these workers encounter? How does direct democracy on the workfloor work? How to deal with the ...

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Eviction of refugee protest camp in The Hague

Yesterday, the 13th of December, the refugee protest camp in The Hague has been evicted, following the courts approval of the mayors judgment that living in the camp was too cold and unhealthy, and therefore illegal. Result: 28 arrests, including 21 sans-papiers whose future remains very uncertain and very likely will end up in the streets again, without the protection of a tent, without the right to protes ...

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Na Duitsland heeft ook het Nederlandse kabinet besloten om patriotraketten te sturen naar Turks-Syrische grens. Samen met deze raketten zullen ook honderden Nederlandse militairen gestationeerd worden op Turks grondgebied.  Wij verzetten ons resoluut tegen de legering van Nederlandse troepen en patriotraketten in Turkije. Turkije en het Midden-Oosten hebben behoefte aan vrede en geen oorlog. De bevolking in ...

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Amsterdam to create 'scum villages'

Amsterdam is to create "Scum villages" where nuisance neighbours and anti-social tenants will be exiled from the city and rehoused in caravans or containers with "minimal services" under constant police supervision.   "What's next? Shoot whoever we don't agree with? " Holland's capital already has a special hit squad of municipal officials to identify the worst offenders for a compulsory six month cour ...

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A debt write-off for whom?

[ Scroll down for Dutch.] Source:   A new restructuring of the Greek debt is in sight. After 2 loan agreements with the IMF and the EU and one debt restructure in February 2012, politicians and analysts consider a new restructuring inevitable. The new element that is politically-speaking extremely sensitive in central and northern Euro ...

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MOVEMENT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS SAMOS 20/11/2012 Briefing report In 2010 members of the Movement continued to visit the detention centre of Samos on a weekly basis.  Following serious allegations we received by detained refugees and given their inability to address the competent authorities by themselves, we gathered all acquired information and wrote a letter to the Ministry of Citizen Protection requesting to b ...

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Eviction of protest camp in Amsterdam, Friday November 30, 2012

We Are Here, for our Right to Be Refused refugees living on the streets of the Netherlands struggle for life Eviction of protest camp in Amsterdam, Friday November 30, 2012 The Mayor of Amsterdam, capital city of the Netherlands, has ordered the eviction of the protest camp of refugees in the western suburb of Amsterdam called Osdorp. A verdict by the court will be announced on Wednesday 28th at 9 a.m. The ...

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Refugees demonstration in Amsterdam 27 Nov. A solution is what we want !

We are going to the streets again! There is a very good chance that this week our camp will be evicted. Most of us are likely to end up in refugee jails. Where? We don't know. For how long? We don't know. We plan to stay in action in the camp untill the police comes. But because the end of our camp is probably near we want to go to the street for a public demonstrationmarch one more time, this tuesday! We w ...

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