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2 years after the uprising in Bahrein there is still blood and international media silence

'Teenager killed' in Bahrain protest Witnesses say 16-year-old boy shot during protests to mark second anniversary of pro-democracy uprising, activists say. Bahrain has seen several days of protests in the run-up to Thursday's anniversary [Reuters]   A teenager has been killed during a protest in Bahrain marking the second anniversary of the country's pro-democracy uprising, activists have said. Hussai ...

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Greek Government Threatens Striking Seamen With Arrests Unless They Resume Work

Over the weekend we reported on the second Greek strike of the year, the first being that of subway workers which ended prematurely into its ninth day when the government threatened to arrest all strikers who had snarled traffic in Athens to a halt, this time involving Greek seamen who had left the Greek isles in geographic isolation for a week. Earlier today, the strike which had gone on for a week, was vo ...

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Protesters killed in Suez shot from behind and at close range: Head of forensics

People carry body of a protester killed during clashes yesterday in the port city in Suez, about 134 km (83 miles) east of in Cairo January 26, 2013 (Photo: Reuters)   Suez protesters killed during Friday clashes were shot by live ammunition at close range and in some cases from behind, forensics head Ihsan Kamil Gorgy told Al-Ahram Arabic website Saturday. The forensics team has secured bullets extrac ...

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Never forget Never forgive

Athens 2008Thessaloniki 2012Bologna, Italy 2012Athens 2012Istanbul, Turkey 2012Athens Antifa banner 2012Bologna, Italy 2012   In December 2008, "Eleftheros Typos" photojournalist Kostas Tsironis got fired for that photoNapoli, Italy 2012                                          Look at these children; anyone of them could have been AlexisCrete, Greece 2012 Athens  2012   Short updates: Lot of Greek pol ...

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We are here!

Amsterdam, Saturday 10th of November. Refugees living in tents and facing the danger of deportation demonstrate The Netherlands intend to pass a law that could make refugees and asylum seekers illegal. Refugees and people in the Netherlands demonstrate against this plan.   Refugees demo - Amsterdam 10/11/2012 from Donatella on Vimeo.   We are refugees and not criminals! Asylum seekers from Iraq an ...

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Greek MPs support austerity package [Photos and Videos]

The Greek government has secured enough votes to pass deeply unpopular austerity measures essential to unlocking further aid from foreign lenders. The fragile three-party coalition managed to secure 153 votes. 151 votes were needed to win approval for the package of spending cuts, tax hikes and labour reforms despite the junior-ruling Democratic Left party's refusal to back it. Outside parliament buildings ...

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If this is our ‘’State’’ then we are all guilty of ‘’revolt’’.

I am sitting in front of my pc trying to organize my thoughts while at the same time trying to overcome the shock I am under. Its impossible…No matter what kind of language I will use, how much superlative expressions I will put in the paper,  is still difficult  for me to express myself the way I would like to. Hence, I will try to be as simple as possible describing the facts that I experienced and hoping ...

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Protest at the detention centre in Corinth reveals inhuman and degrading detention conditions

The provisory detention centre for sans-papers was opened about four months ago in an overnight action by the Ministry of Citizen Protection and Public Order. It is one of three mass detention centres – the others are located in Xanthi and in Komotini – which were set up by the new government in the summer to fit the thousand arrested sans-papers captured during the Xenios Dias sweep operation. There have b ...

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photos: Alexandros Michailidis text: Dina Batzia Conflicts, arrests and injuries was the scenery of the protest in Skouries yesterday,   where hundreds residents and supporters gathered to protest gold mining activity. From the morning yesterday committees struggle against the gold mines in Halkidiki started protest and 6 km march to Skouries. Several hundreds of residents of the nearby village of Ierissos, ...

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Right to Exist! Four Days of Action

Since September 19, 2012 we have been protesting at the Koekamp in The Hague. With our tent camp, we have taken action for our right to stay in the Netherlands. We began in the first week with a four day action. Almost a month later, having received nothing more than a belittling letter from the Return and Departure Agency, it is now due time for the second four day action. On Wednesday, 17-10-2012, there w ...

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