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Laurie Penny: It's not rhetoric to draw parallels with Nazism

Actual fascists in actual black shirts are waving swastikas and murdering ethnic minorities in Athens   "After the immigrants, you're next." That's what was written on flyers that appeared this week in the gay clubbing district of Athens. As violence against immigrants and ethnic minorities escalates across Greece, supporters of the ultra-right Golden Dawn party have also begun to promote hate attacks ...

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Europe's summer of fascism: 5 countries to watch

Xenophobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and anti-Roma sentiment have plagued many places in Europe this summer, as a rising tide of far-right extremism washes over the continent. A legislator from Hungary's far-right Jobbik party made headlines last week when he was dismissed from the party and pressured to quit his position in the EU Parliament after news of his Jewish roots became public. Csanad Szegedi's ...

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European Council on Refugees and Exiles to Greece : Stop “Xenios Zeus” operation

Greece must halt the sweep-operation “Xenios Zeus” and ensure that the right to asylum is guaranteed for persons seeking international protection Brussels, 15 August 2012. On August 2nd the Greek authorities commenced the operation “Xenios Zeus” in the Evros region and Athens. According to Greek officials, the aim of the operation is to seal the Greek border and remove irregular immigrants from the centre o ...

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Greece migrants report 300 attacks since April

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Immigrants living in Greece have been targeted in at least 300 violent attacks in the last three months, local anti-racism campaigners said Thursday, calling for better police protection against a surge in hate crimes. Greece, which is suffering a fifth year of recession, is the European Union's busiest transit point for illegal immigration. In Athens, many immigrants live crammed in s ...

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Greece: Migrants Describe Fear on the Streets

New Government Should Act to Prevent, Punish Xenophobic Attacks (Athens) – The Greek authorities are failing to tackle a rising wave of xenophobic violence that has left migrants afraid to walk the streets. The 99-page report, “Hate on the Streets: Xenophobic Violence in Greece” documents the failure of the police and the judiciary to prevent and punish rising attacks on migrants. Despite clear patterns to ...

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Migrant Camps in Europe: Open the doors! We have the right to know!

The reality of administrative detention of foreigners, a familiar instrument of European migration policies, is hidden from civil society and to the media. Such secrecy makes abuses and attacks on human rights both more likely and harder to combat [1]. European citizens have the right to know the consequences of the policies which are put in place in their names. As part of the civil society campaign “Open ...

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A "man" elected with the fascist party attacks women live on Greek TV show.

After calling Liana Kaneli (MP elected with the Communist party) “You dirty commie” and throwing a glass of water at Rena Dourou (MP elected with the party Syriza), he started hitting the Liana Kaneli!!! Ilias Kasidiaris had a court case two days ago because he is accused of robbery, assault, gun possession and gun usage. video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Τhe official view of Xrysi A ...

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Secretive far-right party taps into Greeks' anger, fear

In the port of Piraeus, dozens of young men with shaven heads and black t-shirts packed a small room one evening to hear Golden Dawn's dream of a Greece purged of foreigners, its borders sealed with landmines. "We want all illegal immigrants out, we want to take their stench out of this place," said Frangiscos Porihis, an election candidate for the ultra-nationalist and highly secretive party. "They shouldn ...

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Don't let the Nazis to get in to the Greek parliament

Hard Times Lift Greece’s Anti-Immigrant Fringe Nikos Michaloliakos, the leader of Golden Dawn, greeted voters this month in Megara, Greece. By RACHEL DONADIO and DIMITRIS BOUNIAS ATHENS — On a recent morning in the upper-middle-class neighborhood of Papagou here, members of the Greek ultranationalist group Golden Dawn stood at an outdoor vegetable market campaigning for the coming national elections. “This ...

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