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6 May – In Greek National Elections: We give a message of resistance

The elections of May 6th take place in a moment that people are facing the absolute misery. After two years of implementation of the destructive policies of the 'memorandums' (cc. the commitments of the Greek government towards the EU, the ECB and the IMF), the Greek elite, the EU, the IMF and the bankers hold the gun to people's head trying to gain moral and political justification for their policies. Duri ...

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Action at Minister Giannitsis speech in the Netherlands

Updated Today, Thursday 22 of March Minister Giannitsis was invited to talk about "growth after reform" by the Greek embassy and the clingendael institute in the Hague. Greeks living in the Netherlands made an intervention exposing lies and inaccurate information during his speech.It was made clear that the nature of reforms and measures for the so called growth is nothing more than the same neoliberal reci ...

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Solidarity statement to workers in Dutch cleaning sector from the cleaners' labour union in Greece

Dear colleagues, We, your colleagues who work in cleaning companies in Greece and clean public and private spaces, we send you our solidarity and support. We face the same problems as you. Our working conditions resemble also the working conditions of the Middle Ages. We admire you for your struggle and we hope that more and more workers will join it and strengthen it so that you would be able to achieve yo ...

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Netherlands to Greece: We are all Greeks

The would like to thank everyone who participated in the solidarity action on the 18th of February in Amsterdam. We hope that the solidarity message which was sent yesterday to the Greek people from all over Europe will help them to keep on struggling. Even though we live thousands of kilometres away from Greece, our spirit is with them. And is the spirit of resistance... Solidarity Message From ...

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Solidarity call

The society belongs to the people and not to the banks.   GREEK PEOPLE DO NOT WANT ANY OTHER RESCUE PLAN Yesterday, the Greek Parliament approved the new austerity packaged that forces the people in to the misery in order to save the European banks. Under the pressure of the EU, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF, and at the joy of the bankers all over Europe the Parliament decided to reduce t ...

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Solidarity to the Greek strikers

The past 2,5 years the Greek population is witnessing the harshest austerity measures since the introduction of the Euro. Greece became the ‘black sheep’-EU-member state and had to be punished hard. In 2010, the first austerity package was imposed by the Greek government under the supervision of the Troika (the IMF, the EU and the ECB). As a result, in November 2011, unemployment reached 18% and 40% among t ...

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10/2/2012 Delft – Benefit Party for the Greek Steelworkers on strike

  On October, even though the annually steel production almost doubled last year, the management of Greek Steelworks SA decided to cut down salaries and dismiss many workers using the crisis as an excuse. «On the 17th of October, our boss was clear: 5 hours a day and 40% salary reduction». Two days later, after a general assembly of 280 attendees the workers' response was «If you proceed, we will go on ...

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Solidarity is not a word, it is how we live.

On the 17th of October, our boss was clear : 5 hours a day and 40% salary reduction. Two days later, after a general assembly of 280 attendees the workers' response was "If you proceed, we will go on strike". On the 31st of October and only 5 minutes before 3 in the afternoon, the first dismissal was delivered to a workers' house; followed by another 18 in the same evening. Within one hour of the first dism ...

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Call out for the 2nd pan-Dutch Assembly of the Open Assemblies. The last 3 years, no matter where we live, our lives are strongly influenced by the crisis. This crisis broke out in 2008 and transformed itself to a sovereign-debt crisis particularly in the EU-periphery. This crisis was not created by the people. The bankers and the financial institutions with the support of the governments are responsible fo ...

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Solidariteit met GVB werkers

On Sunday 20 of November, public-transport workers of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague went on a 24-hour strike. The government decided to reduce the funding of public transport by 40%. More than half of the employes currently working in pubic transport will be laid off. At the same time, the service will be more expensive for the citizens and their quality dramatically worsen. In Amsterdam, it is estimat ...

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