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Amsterdam, Saturday 10th of November. Refugees living in tents and facing the danger of deportation demonstrate The Netherlands intend to pass a law that could make refugees and asylum seekers illegal. Refugees and people in the Netherlands demonstrate against this plan.   Refugees demo - Amsterdam 10/11/2012 from Donatella on Vimeo.   We are refugees and not criminals! Asylum seekers from Iraq an ...

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TUC letter to Greek PM: no to austerity

Solidarity with Greek workers Letter to the Greek Prime Minister November 2012 As part of the run up to the 14 November ETUC Day of Action against austerity, for jobs and growth, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber has written formally to the Greek Prime Minister - at the request of Greek trade unions - expressing 'anger and dismay about ... measures which will hit harder the weakest and will deteriorate f ...

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Solidarity to workers of Viom. Metal. from Copenhagen

On Saturday 3/11/2012 a solidarity event was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, for the financial support of the VIOMET factory workers. The purpose of the event was to demonstrate the support and solidarity to the workers that fight for the self-management of the factory. The event was organized by the political group Crisis Mirror. Crisis Mirror is based and operates in Copenhagen for about a year now, and it c ...

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Greek MPs support austerity package [Photos and Videos]

The Greek government has secured enough votes to pass deeply unpopular austerity measures essential to unlocking further aid from foreign lenders. The fragile three-party coalition managed to secure 153 votes. 151 votes were needed to win approval for the package of spending cuts, tax hikes and labour reforms despite the junior-ruling Democratic Left party's refusal to back it. Outside parliament buildings ...

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Golden Dawn and the Antifascist Movement in Greece

120 antifascists actions have taken place from August to October 2012. 23 antifascists have been procecuted in October 2012 0 Neonazis International antifascist solidarity: Italy, France, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium   International Antifascist Solidarity - from Florence, Italy   And here is another video from a greek reporter in guardian: A senior police officer claims successive gove ...

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Amid Cutbacks, Greek Doctors Offer Message to Poor: You Are Not Alone

By LIZ ALDERMAN                                          Angelos Tzortzinis for The New York Times Elena, a cancer patient, at a clinic in Athens. Her illness long went untreated.   ATHENS — As the head of Greece’s largest oncology department, Dr. Kostas Syrigos thought he had seen everything. But nothing prepared him for Elena, an unemployed woman whose breast cancer had been diagnosed a year bef ...

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Call out and announcement of a day of action at detention and deportation centers

The No Border Network, founded in the Netherlands in June, calls for a nationwide day of action on October 27th 2012, seven years after the fire at detention and deportation center Schiphol, that cost the lives of eleven people.   Several groups in the country organize a demonstration or another action to be announced at a detention or deportation center in their region. There will also be a demonstrat ...

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Right to Exist! Four Days of Action

Since September 19, 2012 we have been protesting at the Koekamp in The Hague. With our tent camp, we have taken action for our right to stay in the Netherlands. We began in the first week with a four day action. Almost a month later, having received nothing more than a belittling letter from the Return and Departure Agency, it is now due time for the second four day action. On Wednesday, 17-10-2012, there w ...

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Walmart's First-Ever Retail Worker Strike Spreads To Six Cities

The first-ever strikes by Walmart retail workers have spread to Dallas, Seattle, Miami, Washington D.C., Sacramento and San Francisco. Walmart workers are striking in at least six cities, according to a release sent out by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union on Tuesday morning. Until last Friday, when about 60 Walmart employees walked off the job for a day in Los Angeles, no Walmart retail workers ...

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Anti-fascist patrols in Athens

On Sunday night people clashed with fascists and police during an anti-fascist patrol around Athens. In response to continuing attacks by fascist supporters groups of anti-fascists have been patrolling the streets at night. During September there were a number of these motorcycle patrols of around a few dozen people. September saw a number of incidents of racist violence across Athens. Last week suspected m ...

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