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Preserve Academic Freedom at The Hague University

A group of students initiated a debate with Dries van Agt, former Dutch prime minister, at the Hague University of Applied Sciences. The event was organized well in advance and respecting all the provisions and rules of the institution pertaining to the invitation of guest speakers. During his time as prime minister, Mr van Agt was a strong supporter of Israel , he now is critical of Israel's violation of i ...

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PROTEST ZATERDAG 17 NOVEMBER 13:00 OP DE DAM, AMSTERDAM Israël zet opnieuw de Gazastrook in vuur en vlam op een wijze die doet denken aan 'de aanloop' tot de Israëlische Gazaslachting van vier jaar geleden (ruim 1400 doden, ruim 5000 gewonden, massale verwoesting, terreur tegen ruim 1,5 miljoen daar opgesloten Palestijnen). Kom zaterdag 17 november om 13:00 uur naar de Dam te Amsterdam voor protest. En teve ...

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We are here!

Amsterdam, Saturday 10th of November. Refugees living in tents and facing the danger of deportation demonstrate The Netherlands intend to pass a law that could make refugees and asylum seekers illegal. Refugees and people in the Netherlands demonstrate against this plan.   Refugees demo - Amsterdam 10/11/2012 from Donatella on Vimeo.   We are refugees and not criminals! Asylum seekers from Iraq an ...

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Kristallnachtherdenking Amsterdam, 9 november 2012

The night of 9 of November 2012; 74 years after the Kristallnacht* the yearly event against racism and discrimination took place in Amsterdam. The event of this year was dedicated to racist violence and extreme right in Europe and was supported by several migrant organizations, trade unions and left-wing groups. A speaker originated from Greece talked about the similarities that are clear in today's Greek s ...

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Call out and announcement of a day of action at detention and deportation centers

The No Border Network, founded in the Netherlands in June, calls for a nationwide day of action on October 27th 2012, seven years after the fire at detention and deportation center Schiphol, that cost the lives of eleven people.   Several groups in the country organize a demonstration or another action to be announced at a detention or deportation center in their region. There will also be a demonstrat ...

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Right to Exist! Four Days of Action

Since September 19, 2012 we have been protesting at the Koekamp in The Hague. With our tent camp, we have taken action for our right to stay in the Netherlands. We began in the first week with a four day action. Almost a month later, having received nothing more than a belittling letter from the Return and Departure Agency, it is now due time for the second four day action. On Wednesday, 17-10-2012, there w ...

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The root of Europe’s riots

No wonder the protesters are back. They are angry at the backdoor rewriting of the social contract Ha-Joon Chang   Rioters beat a policeman during a rally against government austerity measures in Athens. Photograph: John Kolesidis/REUTERS Throughout the 1980s and 90s, when many developing countries were in crisis and borrowing money from the International Monetary Fund, waves of protests in those count ...

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25 September – Amsterdam #OccupyCongress

INFORMATIVE DEMONSTRATION FOR THE CALL OF “25S SURROUND THE PARLIAMENT” 19:00H, 25-09-2012, DAM SQUARE, AMSTERDAM   CONTEXT The collective “Plataforma En Pie” (Stand Up Platform) made a calling through social media to force a new constitutive process in Spain, under the slogan “ On the 25th of September Occupy the Parliament”. The lack of clarity and transparency both in the objectives of the call and ...

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Deposit Flight From Europe Banks Eroding Common Currency

The Deposit Flight Which Could Undermine the Euro By Yalman Onaran An accelerating flight of deposits from banks in four European countries is jeopardizing the renewal of economic growth and undermining a main tenet of the common currency: an integrated financial system. A total of 326 billion euros ($425 billion) was pulled from banks in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece in the 12 months ended July 31, a ...

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