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Discrimination has no place in our European democracy: condemn the website of Geert Wilders

The Dutch anti-migration party of Geert Wilders has launched a website where Dutch people can file anonymously complaints on workers from Central and Eastern Europe. To make it easy for prospective ‘plaintiffs’ to remember what exactly it is they are resenting, the platform provides handy categories, e.g. public intoxication, disturbing the public peace, spurring job losses etc. SIgn the petition! The free ...

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The Serpent’s Egg hatchlings in Greece’s postmodern Great Depression

A brief history of the racist/fascist/neonazi penetration of Greece’s new ‘technocratic’ government It will prove George Papandreou’s ugliest legacy: that his last-minute childish maneuvering to maximise his waning hold on power (while negotiating his eviction from the PM’s job), has brought into the new ‘national unity’ government four self-declared racists (some of whom are neo-Fascists and one a neo-Nazi ...

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Greece: Racist attacks continue plaguing Athens

Inthe recent days repeated racist attacks take place in various neighborhoods of Athens. Slogan written outside of Aghios Panteleimonas church "Foreigners Out of Greece", "Go to Hell" • Last night, 2 Afghan immigrants were attacked outside their home. When they saw a group of thugs approaching, scared they tried to run away but did not manage to escape. The gangs attacked them leaving one stabbed! The victi ...

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Fears of far-right rise in crisis-hit Greece

The Associated Press ATHENS, Greece — They descended by the hundreds -- black-shirted, bat-wielding youths chasing down dark-skinned immigrants through the streets of Athens and beating them senseless in an unprecedented show of force by Greece's far-right extremists. In Greece, alarm is rising that the twin crises of financial meltdown and soaring illegal immigration are creating the conditions for a right ...

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Anti-Griekenland campagne Telegraaf

NRC Handelsblad 29.05.2011 by Ingeborg Beugel. Heus, Grieken werken 41 uur per week en zijn niet verder uit te persen De vooroordelen tegen Griekenland hebben groteske vormen aangenomen. Welke Nederlander heeft drie banen om de eindjes aan elkaar te knopen? De gewone Griek krijgt de rekening betaald voor het falende beleid van de Griekse elite, betoogt Ingeborg Beugel. Voor hoe de meerderheid van de Nederla ...

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