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The Guardian: Greece is standing up to EU neocolonialism

By Costas Douzinas and Petros Papaconstantinou The usurious conditions of the Greek bailout reveals Brussels' colonial mindset – but Athens is showing citizens can resist. After months of attacks on the supposedly feckless Greeks, the western media, intellectuals such Amartya Sen and Jürgen Habermas and the United Nations have finally woken up to the fact that the catastrophic austerity imposed on Greece is ...

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Does Europe Have a Death Wish?

BERLIN – From the start of the Greek debt crisis in 2010, the major European players should have understood the risks and consequences that it posed for the European Union. They certainly don’t give that impression to onlookers. The crisis was always about much more than Greece: a disorderly insolvency there would threaten to pull other economies on the EU’s southern periphery, including some very big ones, ...

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