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Protesters battle riot police over planned gold mine in northern Greece, lawmaker said hurt

  Protesters objecting to plans for a multi-million dollar gold mine in northern Greece’s Halkidiki peninsula clashed with riot police who said they were pelted with firebombs that set a forested area ablaze before being extinguished. Demonstrators said that a Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) Member of Parliament who had joined them was hit by a tear gas grenade thrown by police. Local residents ...

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Greek Government and Public at Odds Over New Cuts

By LIZ ALDERMAN ATHENS — Anastasia Kastaniotou, a struggling mother of three, stood near the Greek Parliament building on Wednesday and threw up her hands as she contemplated an €11.5 billion austerity package that her country’s government was trying to tie up this week to keep Greece in the euro.   Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has been scrambling to seal a deal with his coalition government for fres ...

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Massive protests in Spain against austerity cuts

MADRID (AP) — Tens of thousands of angry Spaniards protested in 80 cities throughout Spain on Thursday against the government's latest austerity package, blaming officials for "ruining" the country. Protesters flooded Madrid's main Puerta del Sol square and the streets in front of parliament late into the night. Large deployments of riot police manned barricades in front of the legislature, fearing rising t ...

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This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Comment by the creator: I edited this small video in homage to those who fight against the tyranny worldwide. A radical, viral video. I am shocked by the violent and systematic repressions of the authorities on the protesters defending our rights, indignant by irresponsible and not democratic political decisions. While trying to be optimistic, I cannot refrain from thinking that we arrive at a point of no r ...

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From Athens to Amsterdam: NO to the cutbacks!

Saturday June 16th Solidarity rally 15:00 Beursplein, Amsterdam From Athens to Amsterdam: NO to the cutbacks! Solidarity with the Greek resistance against European austerity The developments in Greece concern all of us. The long-lasting implementation of harsh austerity measures has led the country into a deep social crisis. The EU and the IMF demand the continuation of these disastrous policies in Greece a ...

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Indefinite strike by miners in Spain

By Lupax 1st of May, 1962. The dictator Franco organizes a pompous and festive spectacle for workers from all over the State for Labor day. In this way, the Regime presents itself as a machine for peace between social classes. But behind this apparent harmony, the miners in Asturias have been striking for already a month. This social conflict became one of the biggest challenges that the dictator had to con ...

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Greece: More than a demonstration, less than a revolt

Alex Nunns reports from Athens on the human consequences of the austerity measures, and how they are being resisted. ‘Although Athens is not São Paulo, it is not any more a normal European capital,’ warns Yannis Almpanis, one of the organisers of a ‘solidarity mission’ of European social movements visiting Greece in late February. And he’s right. The consequences of the austerity programme can be felt on th ...

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Romania PM Boc quits after protests

By Ioana Patran and Sam Cage BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc resigned on Monday, giving way to mass protests against IMF-backed austerity measures and joining leaders of other European Union states felled by soaring debts. President Traian Basescu named Boc's justice minister, Catalin Predoiu, to replace him at the head of a government whose popularity is languishing in opinion polls ...

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The Guardian: Student tuition fees protest passes off peacefully

Thousands of students marched through central London on Wednesday to protest against fee increases and were met by large numbers of police but as darkness fell the demonstration appeared to be passing off peacefully. As the protestors made their way through the City there were sporadic incidents involving bottles being thrown. An attempt was made to pitch tents in Trafalgar square but they were moved on qui ...

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