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More than 300 refugees in protest camp at detention centre in Netherlands.

A protest camp set up by refugees facing deportation to countries such as Iraq and Somalia has swelled to more than 300 members. Immigration minister Gerd Leers has warned that the situation in Ter Apel cannot be sustained long-term. The camp outside the detention centre in Ter Apel, in the northern province of Groningen, is mainly populated by Iraqis who have been ordered to return to their homeland becaus ...

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Solidarity statement to workers in Dutch cleaning sector from the cleaners' labour union in Greece

Dear colleagues, We, your colleagues who work in cleaning companies in Greece and clean public and private spaces, we send you our solidarity and support. We face the same problems as you. Our working conditions resemble also the working conditions of the Middle Ages. We admire you for your struggle and we hope that more and more workers will join it and strengthen it so that you would be able to achieve yo ...

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Netherlands to Greece: We are all Greeks

The would like to thank everyone who participated in the solidarity action on the 18th of February in Amsterdam. We hope that the solidarity message which was sent yesterday to the Greek people from all over Europe will help them to keep on struggling. Even though we live thousands of kilometres away from Greece, our spirit is with them. And is the spirit of resistance... Solidarity Message From ...

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Solidarity call

The society belongs to the people and not to the banks.   GREEK PEOPLE DO NOT WANT ANY OTHER RESCUE PLAN Yesterday, the Greek Parliament approved the new austerity packaged that forces the people in to the misery in order to save the European banks. Under the pressure of the EU, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF, and at the joy of the bankers all over Europe the Parliament decided to reduce t ...

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From the group REinFORM we want to show ours more energetic protest by the action of the Jefatura Provincial de Telecomunicaciones of Asturias about the community radios.This department (under the authority of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce) has started to send letters to the residents of the flats where there is located the necessary equipment to broadcast of some community radios of the re ...

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Amsterdam 29 Juni

Een maand geleden. Geleid door ons instinct, onvoorbereid en zonder elkaar te kennen kwamen we een maand geleden op de Dam bijeen, samen met Spanjaarden, Nederlanders en andere nationaliteiten om te demonstreren tegen het huidige politieke en economisch systeem. Dankzij deze diversiteit aan nationaliteiten realiseerden wij ons dat we te maken hebben met een globaal fenomeen, dat niet binnen de nauwe grenzen ...

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