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Nieuwe bezuinigingen brengen niets goeds voor Griekenland en Europa

Uit het recente enquêteonderzoek ‘Generation What’ blijkt tweederde van de Grieken tussen de 18 en de 34 jaar bereid te zijn om deel te nemen aan een grote opstand tegen de regering. Door Dimitris Pavlopoulos - Arbeidssocioloog VU   Landelijke staking tegen de nieuwe bezuinigingen - Athene , 17 mei 2017 Het Griekse drama gaat onvermijdelijk door. De Griekse regering heeft met de Trojka een nieuwe bezui ...

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Saturday, October 4at 3:00pm, Amsterdam. The fake ‘success story’ of austerity. Crisis in Greece and in the EU: winners and losers

The Dutch media, the EU officials and the Greek government cheer about a supposed success of austerity policies in Greece. They present that after 4 harsh years, the economy is going back in track and that the state is now functional to support the people. Similar stories flood occasionally the media on other austerity-hit countries such as Spain, Portugal and Ireland. In the Netherlands, similar austerity ...

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It’s not going any better at all with Greece

The EU and the Greek government are manipulating the facts to cover up the results of the unsuccessful austerity policies in Southern Europe. “The policy which was based on austerity, privatization and liberalization deepened the crisis instead of bringing about any solutions.” ...

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Imperial Greek Students and Staff of Imperial College against the invitation of Mr. Adonis Georgiadis

Over the last five years, Greece has been facing a crisis that has brought it to the verge of bankruptcy and has had enormous repercussions for the living standards of its population. The Troika of international lenders (EC, ECB, IMF) has, via its bailout plan, imposed on Greece the most brutal austerity measures in Europe since the Great Depression. The results today are staggering; GDP has declined by 27% ...

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EU imposes harsh austerity on Croatia, its newest member

European Union (EU) finance ministers have placed Croatia, which joined the bloc last July, in “excessive deficit procedure.” Acting on recommendations from the European Commission, the measure subjects countries with budget deficit in excess of 3 percent and debt of more than 60 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to direct economic control by the EU, and currently affects 16 other member states. ...

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Greece’s EU-presidency a blow to democracy

Since the 1st of January 2014 the presidency of EU is held by the Greek prime-minister Antonis Samaras. In Greece, this was “celebrated” from the one side with a feast where the European leaders were invited and from the other side with arrests and teargas against the protesters who took to the streets of Athens. ...

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Carols Protest

By the end of summer 2013, the Troika has shut down a total of 1038 primary and secondary education schools in Greece. During last summer, it has also dissolved technical / vocational education by erasing 46 positions for specialized teachers, paving the way to private education and showing the way out to the students who can't afford it. Because of this, 2500 technical school teachers's status became "on l ...

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Ripe for rebellion? Where protest is likeliest to break out

From anti-austerity movements to middle-class revolts, in rich countries and in poor, social unrest has been on the rise around the world. The reasons for the protests vary. Some are direct responses to economic distress (in Greece and Spain, for example). Others are revolts against dictatorship (especially in the Middle East). A number also express the aspirations of new middle classes in fast-growing emer ...

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Mark Rutte & Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Everything they didn’t know about austerity and were afraid to ask (or admit)

For the last few years after the crisis I couldn’t get my head around the fact that so many Dutch people knew so little about Greece, and yet they felt the need to express their views in a very loud and provocative way, and pass judgment. The first few months of the crisis in Greece, Dutch tabloids like De Telegraph, came out with front page reports from Greece and published photos of Greeks enjoying their ...

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