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Analysis: What lurks beneath the closure of ERT

The real reasons behind the ERT shutdown, the 300 million the state lost, and who benefits from it. By Apostolis Fotiadis The eviction of the remaining staff from former public television’s (ERT) building last night in Athens was a bitter showdown of an unequal brinkmanship. The picture of handcuffs used as a padlock at building’s gate has already become one of historical value. It is a picture from the fut ...

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Greek police evacuate occupied TV station

Riot police evacuate the headquarters of former public broadcaster ERT, which had been occupied by former employees. Greek riot police stormed the building of former state television ERT and evicteddozens of protesters occupying it since June when the government abruptly shut the broadcaster, police officials said. ...

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Greek riot police evict last ERT staff

Greek police say they have removed the remaining former workers from what used to be the headquarters of the now-defunct ERT state broadcaster. The pre-dawn operation by riot police started shortly after 4am local time Thursday. Only a handful of former workers were in the building at the time, authorities said. ...

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Back to a feudal Europe

Are the economic policies needed to maintain the euro still compatible with democracy? Greece’s state broadcaster was established after the fall of the military dictatorship. Last month the Greek government (which is implementing EU injunctions) decided to shut it down without authorisation from parliament (see Where Syriza stands). ...

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Ανοιχτή και Ελεύθερη ΕΡΤ – Sign the petition

Σε συνέχεια προηγούμενων εκδηλώσεων συμπαράστασης/διαμαρτυρίας και μετά από μια ανοιχτή συζήτηση στο Ντελφτ την Κυριακή 23 Ιουνίου αναδείχθηκε ως αναγκαιότητα η περαιτέρω ενίσχυση της αλληλεγγύης στον αγώνα των εργαζομένων της ΕΡΤ. Προς αυτό το σκοπό αποφασίστηκε να συνδιαμορφωθεί ένα κείμενο που θα καλεί τους Έλληνες και τις απανταχού Κοινότητες ανά την Ολλανδία να πάρουν θέση ως προς το σημαντικό αυτό ζήτ ...

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Vive ERT,au nom de la liberté démocratique !

La Grèce, berceau culturel de la civilisation occidentale, pays qui inventa l’admirable notion de "démocratie", vit aujourd’hui - avec l’illégitime et brutale fermeture de sa radio-télévision publique (ERT) - une des périodes les plus sombres de son histoire moderne et contemporaine. Lettre ouverte Monsieur le Premier Ministre du Gouvernement Grec, Antonis Samaras, Les intellectuels et artistes d’Europe vou ...

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General Assembly Resolution of the workers in the Music Ensembles of ERT

1) Self-run public radiotelevision, open to the major problems of the tortured society. 2) ERT is to become a real democratic means of expression of the popular desire for Democracy and Freedom. 3) There should be an elected Board of Directors, revocable, voted directly by the Greek people. This Board will undertake the safekeeping of polyphony and pluralism on the basis of Democracy and National Independan ...

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Αnnouncement of the ERT workers’ union (POSPERT)

Today, the Greek government ordered the employees of the Greek Public Broadcaster (ERT) to evacuate the premises of the broadcaster. They also announced that the closure of ERT is definite and that a new broadcaster will be launched with fewer employees in an indefinite period. The union of ERT workers issued the following announcement as a response. The government will most probably send the riot police to ...

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Truths and lies about ERT: A former news director answers the Prime Minister’s claims

On 16 June, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras wrote a long opinion piece for the Sunday edition of newspaper Kathimerini (which, incidentally, was published despite the fact that all media were officially on strike) to justify his decision to shut down Greece's public broadcaster ERT. Former ERT news director Giorgos Kogiannis wrote in turn an answer to the Prime Minister on the newly established ERT workers' ...

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