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‘Macedonian issue’: What is really at stake?

After two decades, the issue of the name of Macedonia is back at the center of public attention. This topic is now being discussed between the governments of Greece and Macedonia or F.Y.R.O.M. (‘Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ which is the temporary internationally agreed name) at Davos under the supervision of the United Nations and the great powers. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, the newly consti ...

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Greek history X: is a left government possible in the EU?

ReINFORM invites you to a discussion with the title: Greek history X: is a left government possible in the EU?  The event will take place on Saturday 11 February at 12:00 at the LAB111, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam (see poster below).  Two years have gone by since the so-called "left-wing" Syriza-Anelgovernment in Greece came to power on 27 January 2015. What are the promises and hopes it broke? What a ...

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On the European Elections (and not only…)

On the 25th of May the citizens of EU member states are going to vote for the European Parliament. While people in countries of EU, and especially in Greece, face the hardest ever attack on their basic rights in the history of EU, the question that arises is what position in the elections can facilitate the end of the crisis. The last years EU has clearly demonstrated a repulsive face: Using the global econ ...

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It’s not going any better at all with Greece

The EU and the Greek government are manipulating the facts to cover up the results of the unsuccessful austerity policies in Southern Europe. “The policy which was based on austerity, privatization and liberalization deepened the crisis instead of bringing about any solutions.” ...

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Ukraine Now Headed by Fascists and Neo-Nazis

In Ukraine, the West supported an unconstitutional putsch against an elected government perpetrated, among others, by fascist/neo-nazi storm troopers (Svoboda, Right Sector) instrumentalized by U.S. intelligence. After a Russian counterpunch, U.S. President Barack Obama proclaimed that any referendum in Crimea would "violate the Ukrainian constitution and violate international law."  ...

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The Greek crisis we don’t see

The economic impact of the Greek crisis has been well publicised. A recession that began in 2008 has led to GDP contracting by a quarter, while unemployment has risen above 27 percent. Greece’s fiscal consolidation effort has also received much attention. A general government deficit of 15.6 percent in 2009 was transformed into a small surplus in 2013 – one of the sharpest adjustments the world has ever see ...

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Time to end western meddling in Bosnia

We are extremely concerned by the response of the international community to the popular protests that have erupted against almost two decades of misrule in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Editorial, 17 February). Western media and politicians have argued that now is not the time for the western powers to disengage from Bosnia. ...

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Ukraine alleges Russian “invasion” of Crimea as Obama warns of “costs”

US President Barack Obama issued a statement Friday evening denouncing “reports of military movements” taken by Russia in Ukraine, warning that “there will be costs for any military intervention.” The comments come as the US/European-stoked regime change operation in Ukraine threatens to develop into a conflict between Western powers and Russia. ...

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Yanukovich leaves Kiev but what remains?

Victor Yanukovich has fled the capital and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Many government administration buildings have been taken over by protesters in Kiev as well as the western Ukraine, and the parliament is back in session. But now with Yanukovich gone, who decides the future of the Ukraine? The Ukrainian Parliament came back into session on the morning of February 23rd. The president who wa ...

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