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Discussion event on nationalism

In the last years, nationalism in many European countries is on the rise, differently manifested in each of them. In Greece, a supposed threat from neighbouring countries has replaced to a great extent the concern about the real economic disaster caused in the last decade by the Greek and foreign elites. In many countries, including the Netherlands, refugees and immigrants especially from the Middle East ar ...

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Fascism Inc with Aris Chatzistefanou, Amsterdam May 31 at 6:00 pm, Nijmegen June 1 at 3:00 pm

On Saturday, May 31 at 6:00 pm, REINFORM in cooperation with BORDERLESS invite you to the screening of Fascism Inc. Aris Chatzistefanou, the creator of the film, will be there to discuss with us about the film and the rise of fascism and extreme right in The Netherlands. Amsterdam Facebook Event Nijmegen Facebook Event ...

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FASCISM INC documentary screening, April 10 at 7:00pm

REINFORM in cooperation with Filmhuis Cavia invites you to the very first screening of the documentary film FASCISM INC. Debtocracy and Catastroika’s production team steps into the discussion with another documentary. This time they will present to us unknown short stories from the past, the present and the future of fascism and its relation to the economic interests of each era. We will travel from Mussoli ...

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Imperial Greek Students and Staff of Imperial College against the invitation of Mr. Adonis Georgiadis

Over the last five years, Greece has been facing a crisis that has brought it to the verge of bankruptcy and has had enormous repercussions for the living standards of its population. The Troika of international lenders (EC, ECB, IMF) has, via its bailout plan, imposed on Greece the most brutal austerity measures in Europe since the Great Depression. The results today are staggering; GDP has declined by 27% ...

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Yanukovich leaves Kiev but what remains?

Victor Yanukovich has fled the capital and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Many government administration buildings have been taken over by protesters in Kiev as well as the western Ukraine, and the parliament is back in session. But now with Yanukovich gone, who decides the future of the Ukraine? The Ukrainian Parliament came back into session on the morning of February 23rd. The president who wa ...

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Griekenland: staat tegen fascisme?

Op 18 september vielen enkele tientallen neo-nazi’s Pavlos Fyssas aan, een anti-fascistische hiphop-artiest. Giorgos Roupakias, lid en plaatselijk organisator van de Gouden Dageraad, stak hem neer. De politie stond erbij en keek ernaar, een agente greep pas in toen de rapper al op de grond lag dood te gaan. Het was een duidelijk voorbeeld van fascistische moorddadigheid en van medeplichtigheid van staatsweg ...

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‘From the Bottom of Aegean Sea’[1] to Golden Dawn

In modern Greece we often deal with little or large semiological civil wars or with a semiological poly-phrenia since different institutions employ the same language for very different processes. For example ancient Greek words referring to hospitality may either refer to e.g. touristic industry’s slogans (i.e. philoxenia, xenia hotels etc.) or to refer to the most brutal and xenophobic police operation tha ...

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De nieuwe extreem-rechtse vrienden van Wilders

Geert Wilders is een ‘opperjodenknecht’. Nee, hij is ‘een groot man, met meer ballen dan ons allemaal bij elkaar’. Welkom op het extreem-rechtse internetforum Stormfront. ‘White Pride World Wide’ staat in de linkerbovenhoek. Al jaren woedt hier een felle discussie over de ware aard van Geert Wilders. ‘Gematigde’ stemmen juichen diens politieke successen toe. Maar neonazi’s serveren Wilders af als ‘landverra ...

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Operation Gladio, Italy

The history of the secret neo-fascist army in Italy set up ostensibly to resist Soviet invasion, but in reality to be used in the event of the working class growing too strong once again   Following the end of World War II, the Italian workers’ movement was rapidly gaining strength. In some towns the fascists had been kicked out by Resistance forces (a ...

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Greek PM should explain his party’s links with fascism

The conservative government of Antonis Samaras claims to be cracking down on “extremism”. But what skeletons does the Prime Minister hide in his closet?   Video by Ross Domoney, Klara Jaya Brekke and Dimitris Dalakoglou for the City at a Time of Crisis research project. Illustration by Latuff. The Greek Prime Minister, Mr Samaras, is currently visiting the USA. He arrived here in the immediate aftermat ...

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