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Griekenland: staat tegen fascisme?

Op 18 september vielen enkele tientallen neo-nazi’s Pavlos Fyssas aan, een anti-fascistische hiphop-artiest. Giorgos Roupakias, lid en plaatselijk organisator van de Gouden Dageraad, stak hem neer. De politie stond erbij en keek ernaar, een agente greep pas in toen de rapper al op de grond lag dood te gaan. Het was een duidelijk voorbeeld van fascistische moorddadigheid en van medeplichtigheid van staatsweg ...

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The antifascist struggle will continue

On Friday 1 November in Athens two Golden Dawn members were shot in cold blood. The attacks were done in a professional manner and there is no further evidence about the attackers or the motives. Nonetheless the attack is shocking by its cruelty and the death of two young men. However, from the very first moment the government and the mainstream media try to link the attacks with the anti-fascist struggle i ...

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Golden Dawn shootings: What we know so far

Read everything that has happened since Friday΄s murderous attack. FOSPHOTOS / Panayiotis Tzamaros The incident Around 7 p.m. on Friday November 1, two persons riding a motorcycle pulled off on Irakleiou Boulevard, outside a local office of the Golden Dawn party, in Neo Irakleio, northern Athens. They were wearing helmets, according to witnesses. The person who was not driving, approached the entrance to th ...

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Greek PM should explain his party’s links with fascism

The conservative government of Antonis Samaras claims to be cracking down on “extremism”. But what skeletons does the Prime Minister hide in his closet?   Video by Ross Domoney, Klara Jaya Brekke and Dimitris Dalakoglou for the City at a Time of Crisis research project. Illustration by Latuff. The Greek Prime Minister, Mr Samaras, is currently visiting the USA. He arrived here in the immediate aftermat ...

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The left in Greece must rise up against Golden Dawn

The only way to stop the fascists profiting from the breakdown of the Greek state is to offer a socialist alternative to capitalism. Greece – and the rise of Golden Dawn – is an extreme parable of what has happened to many developed countries since the global crisis broke out in 2007. The policies of the Greek "rescue" – where the Greek people had no inkling what was afoot until the agreement was signed in ...

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Let’s get done with the system that breeds fascism – An interview with Dimitris Kousouris

Dimitris Kousouris is one of the first political victims of Golden Dawn attacks. On June 16th, 1998, in a café outside the courts of Athens, he was attacked brutally by a group of Golden Dawn members. He had to go through a difficult brain surgery and he barely escaped death. The attackers were identified by Kousouris and his friends. The main perpetrator was back then nr 2 in the leadership of Golden Dawn, ...

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Gouden Dageraad: hoe invloedrijk zijn ze?

18 zetels hebben ze in het Griekse parlement en met omstreden media-optredens blijven ze in de aandacht. Χρυσή Αυγή, oftewel de Gouden Dageraad-partij, is tot ver buiten de Griekse landsgrenzen niet onopgemerkt gebleven. De extreemrechtse partij, die vaak zelfs als nazistisch wordt aangeduid, werd in 1993 opgericht door Nikolaos Michaloliakos, die in de Griekse media soms wordt aangeduid als de "Führer". De ...

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