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‘Macedonian issue’: What is really at stake?

After two decades, the issue of the name of Macedonia is back at the center of public attention. This topic is now being discussed between the governments of Greece and Macedonia or F.Y.R.O.M. (‘Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ which is the temporary internationally agreed name) at Davos under the supervision of the United Nations and the great powers. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, the newly consti ...

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The Road to the Greek Hell is Paved with False EU and IMF Statistics

A new blatant intervention of the European Commission was triggered by the decision of the third Court of Appeal of Athens on August 1st, on the hearing of the former President of ELSTAT (Hellenic Statistical Authority), Andreas Georgiou, for repeated breach of duty. By Leonidas Vatikiotis   The provocative intervention of the European Commission (indication of their great discomfort over the decision ...

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Nieuwe bezuinigingen brengen niets goeds voor Griekenland en Europa

Uit het recente enquêteonderzoek ‘Generation What’ blijkt tweederde van de Grieken tussen de 18 en de 34 jaar bereid te zijn om deel te nemen aan een grote opstand tegen de regering. Door Dimitris Pavlopoulos - Arbeidssocioloog VU   Landelijke staking tegen de nieuwe bezuinigingen - Athene , 17 mei 2017 Het Griekse drama gaat onvermijdelijk door. De Griekse regering heeft met de Trojka een nieuwe bezui ...

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Greek history X: is a left government possible in the EU?

ReINFORM invites you to a discussion with the title: Greek history X: is a left government possible in the EU?  The event will take place on Saturday 11 February at 12:00 at the LAB111, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam (see poster below).  Two years have gone by since the so-called "left-wing" Syriza-Anelgovernment in Greece came to power on 27 January 2015. What are the promises and hopes it broke? What a ...

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VIO.ME.’s auctions must be cancelled, self-managed production should spread!

Around 50 people attended ReINFORM's info event that took place yesterday in Nieuwland (East Amsterdam) in solidarity with the self-managed factory Vio.Me. (Thessaloniki, Greece). In July 2011, a few months after being abandoned by its owners, Vio.Me. was occupied by its workers. Since February 2013, Vio.Me., managed by the general assembly of its workers, has been producing organic soaps and cleaning produ ...

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European Union is killing refugees

A real crime is being committed over the past months in Europe. Thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and other countries are trying to flee wars that others have caused in their countries and reach Europe in search of a better life. Hundreds of them have been washed up dead on the Greek islands. Although the European governments talk about a “humanitarian crisis” and pretend they take relief measur ...

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Village of all together – Call for help to the refugees in Lesvos, Greece

“Village of all together” was born in Lesbos in 2012 from the need to create a solidarity network as an answer to the consequences of the economic crisis but even more as an organized action to ensure that the local population will not become a victim of the Golden Dawn’s propaganda. Unlike other non-governmental organizations, the “Village of all together” is not a legal entity but a network of citizens, c ...

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Rupture with the EU: Α return to the “cave age” or a new “golden age”?

(The article was initially published in the Greek newspaper "Prin" on 30th May 2015 and it was translated into English by ReINFORM.) When the mild arguments about the “people’s house” and the EU’s ability to transform fall apart, the neoliberal/Memoranda bloc resorts to the only argument left: breaking with the EU equals to returning to the “cave age”. By Leonidas Vatikiotis It is worthwhile to attempt an o ...

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Third memorandum, worse than the previous ones!

By Leonidas Vatikiotis Leonidas Vatikiotis has studied Statistics at the University of Piraeus. His doctoral dissertation, at the Sociology Department of Panteion University (2008) considered the causes of the 1970s economic crisis. It is not only the new austerity measures, which among others include VAT increase, reduction of pensions, reintroduction of the zero deficit clause, Sunday shop opening and imp ...

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A challenge for the Left and the movement in whole Europe

On July 5th the Greek people raised proudly their voice against the powerful alliance of the domestic and foreign economic elites along with their allies: the EU, the ECB, the IMF and the Greek and foreign media that were threatening the people with a disaster in case of a NO vote. This was the second case within 6 months, the first being the election of a left government on January 25th that the Greek peop ...

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