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Village of all together – Call for help to the refugees in Lesvos, Greece

“Village of all together” was born in Lesbos in 2012 from the need to create a solidarity network as an answer to the consequences of the economic crisis but even more as an organized action to ensure that the local population will not become a victim of the Golden Dawn’s propaganda. Unlike other non-governmental organizations, the “Village of all together” is not a legal entity but a network of citizens, c ...

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Supreme court upholds disgraceful ruling clearing farmers who shot unpaid Bangladeshi strawberry pickers

Deputy prosecutor decides there are no legal grounds to review the decision by a Patras court in July which acquitted the farmers and had sparked outrage at home and abroad. Greece’s supreme court has upheld a decision by a jury court of appeals in the city of Patras to acquit the farmers who opened fire, last year, on 28 unpaid Bangladeshi strawberry pickers, seriously wounding four of them. Deputy public ...

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Gezinsgevangenis voor vluchtelingen op Kamp Zeist is geen humaan alternatief

Eind mei 2014 liet staatssecretaris Teeven van Veiligheid en Justitie, verantwoordelijk voor het migratiebeleid, per brief aan de Tweede Kamer weten dat hij van plan is een speciale detentielocatie voor gezinnen en alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen (amv’s) te openen. Deze nieuwe gevangenis moet begin 2015 gereed zijn en is gepland op het terrein van Kamp Zeist in Soesterberg. Kamp Zeist herbergt op h ...

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Hunger strike of 4,000 prisoners enters 4th day over ‘fascist legislation’

Since Monday approximately 4,000 inmates of the country's prisons have refused to eat in protest of a 'fascistic' bill submitted to parliament by the Justice Ministry that would create a new class of maximum security prisons. Aside from the inmates the bill has drawn widespread condemnation from opposition parties, lawyer groups and correctional workers. ...

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The first European country to take away the right to vote from immigrants?

A new immigration bill was submitted to the Greek parliament for debate on 14th February. The bill that will be voted in the upcoming weeks, aims to simplify the residence permit application process and facilitate labour market access for migrants. The same document, however, abolishes the right to vote for immigrants.  According to the Interior Minister Yiannis Michelakis, the proposed provisions are enfor ...

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Geen ruimte voor racisme!

Vandaag kwam het nieuws naar buiten dat een jonge moslima geweigerd werd bij uitzendbureau ‘All-in’ vanwege haar hoofddoek. Het uitzendbureau voerde vervolgens racistische ideeën van de Poolse klanten op als excuus. Maar het is juist Nederland dat een racismeprobleem heeft. Drie redenen om mee te doen met de demonstratie op 22 maart in het kader van de internationale dag tegen racisme. 1. Racisme is een vee ...

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Farmakonisi Incident – A letter from Athens

This is an email sent by one of Reinform’s members who is at the moment in Athens, Greece. Yesterday she participated in the protest against the Greek Coast Guard which is allegedly accused of the drowning of 12 migrants (3 women and 9 children) off the coast of Farmakonisi island. ...

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