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‘The spirit of civil disobedience’

The emergence of Occupy Central has recast Hong Kong’s political landscape over the last twenty-one months. Lively public debate over the polity’s governance developed in response to widespread concerns that Beijing would only commit to universal suffrage in 2017 if elections were restricted to party-approved candidates. Benny Tai Yiu-ting, who put the original call out for the campaign of civil disobedienc ...

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Solidarity from Syntagma to Taksim!

 [ 7th  June 2013. Beursplein, Amsterdam ] Solidarity with protesters in Turkey For many days, Turkish people have been taking to the streets to fight for their future. For many years, they have been facing the brutal repression of undemocratic regimes. The Turkish people paid the price of the economic crisis in the beginning of the previous decade and the ‘recovery’ that followed. The well-known recipe of ...

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I don’t feel like dancin’

Lynne Segal says those eager to dance on Thatcher’s grave have much thinking to do. ‘Margaret Thatcher is Dead: This lady is not returning!’ is one way of the calmer statements celebrating Thatcher’s demise on my Facebook page. I can’t join the clamour singing ‘Ding dong the witch is dead’, trailing as it does its horrific historical sexism. More sadly, I can’t see anything to celebrate. Whilst this once fo ...

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Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world

AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. The study's assumptions have attracted some criticism, but complex systems analysts contacted b ...

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How the FBI Monitored the Occupy Movement

The FBI and other federal agencies coordinated with banks and local authorities in reacting to the Occupy Movement, which was put in the category of a domestic terrorist threat despite the group’s advocacy of nonviolence, Dennis J. Bernstein reports. From RT : By Dennis J. Bernstein and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard Newly obtained secret FBI documents show that the Feds treated the Occupy Movement as a criminal t ...

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Idle No More: Hints of a Global Super-Movement

By Jacob Devaney, Founder and Director, Culture Collective   What started as a murmur in early October from First Nations People in Canada in response to Bill C45 has become a movement that echoes the sentiments of people all over the world, a battle cry of love for the planet, "Idle No More." At first glance it might appear that this movement is isolated and doesn't effect you if you are not native or ...

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Spain police fire rubber bullets at Madrid protest

Spanish police have fired rubber bullets and baton-charged protesters attending a rally against austerity. Spanish media reported that at least 20 people had been arrested and more than a dozen injured. The "Occupy Congress" protest comes as the government prepares to unveil further austerity measures on Thursday in a bid to shrink its budget deficit. ...

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25 September – Amsterdam #OccupyCongress

INFORMATIVE DEMONSTRATION FOR THE CALL OF “25S SURROUND THE PARLIAMENT” 19:00H, 25-09-2012, DAM SQUARE, AMSTERDAM   CONTEXT The collective “Plataforma En Pie” (Stand Up Platform) made a calling through social media to force a new constitutive process in Spain, under the slogan “ On the 25th of September Occupy the Parliament”. The lack of clarity and transparency both in the objectives of the call and ...

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Spanish workers occupy a Duke’s estate and turn it into a farm

Earlier this week in Andalusia, hundreds of unemployed farmworkersbroke through a fence that surrounded an estate owned by the Duke of Segorbe, and claimed it as their own. This is the latest in a series of farm occupations across the region within the last month. Their aim is to create a communal agricultural project - similar to other occupied farms, in order to and breathe new life into a region that has ...

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Chomsky: On the History of the U.S. Economy in Decline

The Occupy movement has been an extremely exciting development. Unprecedented, in fact. There’s never been anything like it that I can think of.  If the bonds and associations it has established can be sustained through a long, dark period ahead — because victory won’t come quickly — it could prove a significant moment in American history. The fact that the Occupy movement is unprecedented is quite appropri ...

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