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Hunger strike in Greece: for a breath of freedom

Twenty days ago anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos went on hunger strike to demand his educational furlough. His situation is described as ‘critical’.   Nikos Romanos’ name is closely tied to the equally well known Alexandros Grigoropoulos, the 15-year-old boy who was shot and killed by police officer Epaminondas Korkoneas in Athens, on December 6, 2008. Only 15 years of age himself, Romanos witnessed hi ...

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Farmakonisi Incident – A letter from Athens

This is an email sent by one of Reinform’s members who is at the moment in Athens, Greece. Yesterday she participated in the protest against the Greek Coast Guard which is allegedly accused of the drowning of 12 migrants (3 women and 9 children) off the coast of Farmakonisi island. ...

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De oorlog tegen Rishi: waarom het doorgaat na zijn dood

Op 24 november vorig jaar schoot de Haagse politie de zeventienjarige Nederlandse staatsburger Rishi Chandrikasing dood op station Holland Spoor. Toen de politie werd verteld dat een gewapende man iemand op het station had bedreigd, achtervolgden drie agenten Rishi met getrokken pistool. Even later werd hij fataal geraakt in de nek. In zijn zakken zijn alleen sleutels gevonden, en een telefoon. ...

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‘From the Bottom of Aegean Sea’[1] to Golden Dawn

In modern Greece we often deal with little or large semiological civil wars or with a semiological poly-phrenia since different institutions employ the same language for very different processes. For example ancient Greek words referring to hospitality may either refer to e.g. touristic industry’s slogans (i.e. philoxenia, xenia hotels etc.) or to refer to the most brutal and xenophobic police operation tha ...

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Accidental Death of an Anarchist

Accidental Death of an Anarchist (Morte accidentale di un anarchico) is a play by Dario Fo, recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature. It is a classic of twentieth-century theatre, and has been performed across the world in more than 40 countries, including Argentina, Chile, England, India, Romania, South Africa and South Korea. The play is a farce based on events involving a real person, Giuseppe Pin ...

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Roma: myth, suspicion and prejudice

By Peter Stanford As Roma families are accused of abducting children in Greece and Ireland, we should beware of persecuting an ancient people A Roma girl at a migrants’ encampment near Paris. The Third Reich regarded Roma as racially impure; an estimated one million died in concentration camps Photo: Reuters It is a measure of the sensitivity of a topic that any nomenclature you use risks causing offence. S ...

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Amigdaleza, the Greek Abu Graib

On Saturday night, violent riots broke out in the Detention Centre of Migrants in Amigdaleza, ironically called Guest Centre for Migrants). It is well documented that the detention conditions are horrific and that most of the prisoners are held illegally since they have not committed any crime nor have they been tried and sentenced by any court. Following the riots, the “guests” in Amygdaleza already count ...

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