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Greek justice minister denounces gay marriage

Greece’s justice minister, Haralambos Athanasiou, has been accused of homophobia after unequivocally denouncing gay marriage. In an outburst that startled human rights defenders and activists in the country’s increasingly visible LGBT community, the minister, Haralambos Athanasiou, said he was virulently opposed to same-sex marriage as it posed dangers to a society that “respected traditions”. “I won’t disc ...

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Supreme court upholds disgraceful ruling clearing farmers who shot unpaid Bangladeshi strawberry pickers

Deputy prosecutor decides there are no legal grounds to review the decision by a Patras court in July which acquitted the farmers and had sparked outrage at home and abroad. Greece’s supreme court has upheld a decision by a jury court of appeals in the city of Patras to acquit the farmers who opened fire, last year, on 28 unpaid Bangladeshi strawberry pickers, seriously wounding four of them. Deputy public ...

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The Box – Comic presentation, Saturday 21 June, Utrecht

Reinform invites you to the presentation of the new comic of M. Astikos, The Box. Α comic telling the stories of three people, drawing upon recent events in Greece: An HIV-positive woman used as a scapegoat, a Greek man mistaken for an immigrant, and an antifascist, are all captured by the police and thrown in prison. Their fate is shaped by the hate rhetoric adopted by the mainstream politics and media. Wh ...

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Oproep Demonstratie Samen tegen Racisme en Discriminatie – 22 maart 2014, Museumplein, Amsterdam

Nederland heeft een racismeprobleem. Dat zegt de Zwarte Piet Niet beweging. Dat zegt de nationale ombudsman. En dat zegt Amnesty International over de politie. Racisme is geinstititutionaliseerd en voor veel Nederlanders een dagelijkse ervaring. Het aantal racistische incidenten is het afgelopen jaar gestegen. Dit kabinet wil Antilliaanse Nederlanders zelfs apart registreren. Om de aandacht af te leiden van ...

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The first European country to take away the right to vote from immigrants?

A new immigration bill was submitted to the Greek parliament for debate on 14th February. The bill that will be voted in the upcoming weeks, aims to simplify the residence permit application process and facilitate labour market access for migrants. The same document, however, abolishes the right to vote for immigrants.  According to the Interior Minister Yiannis Michelakis, the proposed provisions are enfor ...

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Geen ruimte voor racisme!

Vandaag kwam het nieuws naar buiten dat een jonge moslima geweigerd werd bij uitzendbureau ‘All-in’ vanwege haar hoofddoek. Het uitzendbureau voerde vervolgens racistische ideeën van de Poolse klanten op als excuus. Maar het is juist Nederland dat een racismeprobleem heeft. Drie redenen om mee te doen met de demonstratie op 22 maart in het kader van de internationale dag tegen racisme. 1. Racisme is een vee ...

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Farmakonisi Incident – A letter from Athens

This is an email sent by one of Reinform’s members who is at the moment in Athens, Greece. Yesterday she participated in the protest against the Greek Coast Guard which is allegedly accused of the drowning of 12 migrants (3 women and 9 children) off the coast of Farmakonisi island. ...

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The Coast Guard “drowned” the migrants in Farmakonisi

Eyewitnesses accuse the Greek Coast Guard of drowning migrants off the coast of the island of Farmakonisi. As UNHCR reports: “According to survivors’ testimonies, the Coast Guard boat towing their vessel was heading, at high speed, towards the Turkish coast, when the tragic incident happened amid rough seas. The same witnesses said people were screaming for help, since there was a large number of children o ...

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De oorlog tegen Rishi: waarom het doorgaat na zijn dood

Op 24 november vorig jaar schoot de Haagse politie de zeventienjarige Nederlandse staatsburger Rishi Chandrikasing dood op station Holland Spoor. Toen de politie werd verteld dat een gewapende man iemand op het station had bedreigd, achtervolgden drie agenten Rishi met getrokken pistool. Even later werd hij fataal geraakt in de nek. In zijn zakken zijn alleen sleutels gevonden, en een telefoon. ...

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