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Solidarity from Syntagma to Taksim!

 [ 7th  June 2013. Beursplein, Amsterdam ] Solidarity with protesters in Turkey For many days, Turkish people have been taking to the streets to fight for their future. For many years, they have been facing the brutal repression of undemocratic regimes. The Turkish people paid the price of the economic crisis in the beginning of the previous decade and the ‘recovery’ that followed. The well-known recipe of ...

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İstanbul, Turkey: Taksim Gezi Park occupied

It is the third day of occupation of Taksim Gezi Park in İstanbul. The protest camp started when construction vehicles entered the park and tried to pull out the trees. Government wants to build a shopping mall at the location of the park. So, many people are camping in Taksim Gezi Park to defend the trees. Early in the morning of May 30th, 2013, at around 5am, the police attacked the occupiers with tear ga ...

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Report from #26S #29S in Spain

Anti-austerity rage intensified in Madrid, as protesters surrounded the parliament Tuesday night in a sign of mounting frustration towards the right-wing government. Their demands included the resignation of top officials with new elections, the halt to austerity measures, and the rewriting of the Spanish Constitution. The protesters charged the government with theft and criminal activity for implementing h ...

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25 September – Amsterdam #OccupyCongress

INFORMATIVE DEMONSTRATION FOR THE CALL OF “25S SURROUND THE PARLIAMENT” 19:00H, 25-09-2012, DAM SQUARE, AMSTERDAM   CONTEXT The collective “Plataforma En Pie” (Stand Up Platform) made a calling through social media to force a new constitutive process in Spain, under the slogan “ On the 25th of September Occupy the Parliament”. The lack of clarity and transparency both in the objectives of the call and ...

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Blockupy Frankfurt: European mobilization on May 16-19

This May, the squares will explode in a frenzy of popular resistance against the diktat of finance capital — and Frankfurt will be one of our key battlegrounds. International Solidarity versus Crisis, War & Capitalism  Ready, Steady, Go! Come to Frankfurt. Join the action days from 16th to 19th May 2012:  Fight the dictate of Troika, EU Commission, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary ...

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Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri : What to expect in 2012

Some of the most inspiring social struggles of 2011 have placed democracy at the top of the agenda. Although they emerge from very different conditions, these movements – from the insurrections of the Arab Spring to the union battles in Wisconsin, from the student protests in Chile to those in the US and Europe, from the UK riots to the occupations of the Spanish indignados and the Greeks in Syntagma Square ...

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Take the square Netherlands

Assembly of Open Assemblies The last 3 years, no matter where we live, our lives are strongly influenced by the crisis. This crisis broke out in 2008 and transformed itself to a sovereign-debt crisis particularly in the EU-periphery. This crisis was not created by the people. The bankers and the financial institutions with the support of the governments are responsible for it. Today the people are asked to ...

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What is a popular assembly and how do we coordinate ?

This text has been prepared by the Commission for Group Dynamics in Assemblies of the Puerta del Sol Protest Camp (Madrid). It is based on different texts and summaries which reached consensus in the internal Assemblies of this Commission (and which will be made available on the official webs of the 15th May Movement) and from the experiences gained in the General Assemblies held in this Protest Camp up unt ...

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