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Joy as Turkish election result puts pro-Kurdish party into parliament

Thousands of jubilant Kurds flooded the streets of Diyarbakir, south east Turkey,on Sunday, setting off fireworks and waving flags as the pro-Kurdish opposition looked likely to enter parliament as a party for the first time. The Peoples’ Democratic party (HDP) said initial results from Sunday’s election showed it would take 80 of 550 seats, a stunning result for a party that pollsters had said would strugg ...

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Gezi Festival – June 21 – 22 / Bergse Bos, Rotterdam

“To live like a tree, single and at liberty  and in solidarity like the trees of a forest...” Towards the end of May of 2013, a resistance began in Istanbul Gezi Park and spread across entire Turkey during the month of June. This resistance was that of the people rising up against governmental oppression. Those of us, living in the Netherlands, have shown our solidarity with the millions living in Turkey an ...

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Turkey: trade unionism on trial

As the Erdogan government in Turkey takes an increasingly authoritarian turn, trade unionists have been in the firing line. But a mass trial in Istanbul, little noticed by the international media, has not gone entirely the government’s way. ...

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Power struggle intensifies in Turkey

The struggle between rival camps in the Turkish political elite reached a highpoint on December 25 with the resignation of three senior ministers, followed hours later by a major cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. ...

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Systematic human rights violations against refugees in the Aegean sea and at the Greek-Turkish land border.

Source Link from ProAsyl The present report focuses on the barriers to accessing the territory of the European Union for people seeking international protection, and particularly on the prevailing situation at the EU land and sea borders in Greece. It describes and analyzes the fatal consequences of the closing of the land border in the Evros region, which has led to a shift in flight routes to the Aegean s ...

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Few words about the political prisoners from Turkey

This post is about Ahmet Yüksel, Erdğan Çakır, Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla, who have been in hunger strike since 24/9. Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır are facing the danger of extradition in Germany and France respectively and Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla in Turkey. All of them have asked for a political asylum. For Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır arrest warrants are issued for pending decisions regarding thei ...

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Occupy ERT in Amsterdam.

Solidarity to ERT from The Netherlands Greeks demonstrating for ERT Occupy and Turks demonstrating for Taksim Occupy are chanting together: "Turkey, Greece, you are not alone!" "Erdogan, dictator - Samaras, dictator!" Amsterdam 13 June 2013 Occupy ERT from Reinform NL on Vimeo. ...

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