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News from today’s General Strike demonstration in Athens.

In Athens, thousands are marching at the General Strike demonstration – it is estimated that the ADEDY (public servants’ union) demo alone has more than 10,000 participating. Demonstrators from the union’s march tried to push down the police fence outside parliament and were tear-gassed by police. At least four detentions have been reported so far, including 17-year olds. There is also at least one confirmed demonstrators’ injury – the numbers might be much higher.

Today was the turn of journalists to get beaten by riot police

Greek photojournalist Tatiana Bolari is punched by riot policeman during a protest in Athens. Several members of the media were harassed and a few beaten by the police.



Greek photojournalist Panagiotis Tzamaros beaten by a police officer.Several members of the media were harassed and a few beaten by the police.

No comment when pigs are trying to hit dogs
Police throws stones to protestors




Police trying to arrest/kill a unarmed citizen

Police chasing people inside Syntagma metro station

This is starting to be a routine in our lives.More police brutality in Greece. The facts can’t be hidden anymore: we all know who the police are really protecting, it is Greek lives against the corporate owned military state!

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