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'Bread, Education, Freedom !' The junta is back to Greece

Documentary and discussion evening
‘Bread, Education, Freedom !’ The junta is back to Greece

Occupy Amsterdam
Wednesday, November 16 8:30pm – 10:30pm



Thirty seven (37) years after the fall of the dictatorship in Greece, the historical time clock seems to be turning back. Instead of the US-backed military dictatorship of 1967-1974, a new IMF-EU-back economic dictatorship is being established. By declaring the repayment of the debt and the rescuing of the banks as an ultimate target, a new ‘national-unity’ government has taken its place. The new Prime Minister is a well-known top banker that according to an EU-source is “… someone who can speak Greek but who is not on the side of the Greeks “. Extreme-right politicians known for their racist attitudes and practices have taken seats in the cabinet. Besides rescuing the Greek and Western-European banks, the aim of this government is to impoverish the people by raising taxes, lowering wages, abolishing the last remnants of employment protection and the welfare state.

Thirty eight (38) years ago, the uprising of the Greek students at the Polytechnic School of Athens using ‘Bread, Education, Freedom !’ as its main slogan was the beginning of the end for the military junta. For 3 days long (15-17/11/1973), thousands of students and workers occupied the Polytechnic School and demonstrated in Athens and other cities in an effort to topple the junta. The uprising ended in a bloodbath after the army invaded the Polytechnic School and murdered tens of protesters. However, this did not save the junta that fell in less than a year later.

Today, the people in Greece are struggling against the modern economic junta using ‘Bread, Education, Freedom ! The junta was not over in 1973 ‘ as their main slogan. At the occasion of the protests in Greece that will take place between the 15th and 17th November 2011, we organize a documentary and discussion evening at the Occupy Amsterdam – Beursplein, on Wednesday 16/11, 20:30. The historical documentary on the students’ uprising and its aftermath, Testimonies (Martyries) will be broadcasted. Afterwards, a discussion will take place that will try to link the events of the 1970′s with the current situation in Greece.

Wednesday, November 16 · 8:30pm – 10:30pm

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