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Cleaners start sit-in of respect in Utrecht

On Monday morning thousands of cleaners started a Sit-in Respect in the university campus Uithof in Utrecht. About two thousand cleaners sit in public spaces of the university. “Universities are centres of social progress they have to move forward … or remain still.”

Since January 2nd, 2012, the cleaners fight for respect and the appreciation of their job. The contractors of the cleaning companies such as Philips, the ministries and the universities proceed in gradual cuts in the cleaning expenses. The cleaning companies accommodate these cuts by increasing extremely the workload and worsening the working conditions. The cleaners do not ask much. They have normal demands such as having paid sick leave and normal workload.

“We have already walked 9 Marches of Respect in 9 different cities, in total we have walked more than a marathon. And now we are tired, and when one is tried, then one sits.” says Abdel a cleaner from Utrecht.


“We have learned a lot during these weeks. We will apply at the university. The Netherlands can learn a lot from our Cleaners-College. “If the universities are centers of social progress, then they have to move forward … or else remain still…” says cleaner Abdel. The cleaners plan to go on with the sit in till the university, the polytechnic and the university Medical Centre decide to support their requests: paid sick leave, better training and normal workload.

Students: these cleaning gloves fit us well

During the previous weeks, the strike of the cleaners found sympathy in the whole country. Many Dutch, among them many prominent people like Matthijs van Nieuwkerk, expressed publicly their solidarity. The complaint of the cleaners concerns the undermining of quality and expertise. It is a complaint that many people recognize: from the teacher of the primary school to the university professor, from the nurse to the security guard. The cleaners are now supported by students as well. “We are all cleaners” says a student from the support-committee. “The cleaners are our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. And above all, their uprising concerns also us. They are expected to clean the toilets in 90 seconds. They have become a commercial product. It is also about profit-making and efficiency. This, we recognize. Students are treated as targets and lectures as products. Whoever wants education to remain accessible for the children of the cleaners, should join this struggle. The glove of their protest fits us all.”

Update (14.00 o’ clock)

The Sit-in continues without problems. About 2000 cleaners are in the Rupert building in the University of Utrecht. They are supported by more than one hundred students. There is coffee and tea.  Cleaners-lectures take place: the topics vary from cleaning your toilet to the usefulness of a strong trade union. Films are shown and music is made. The contact with the police and the university authorities goes fine.




Translated by Reinform team from the original:

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