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Solidarity statement to workers in Dutch cleaning sector from the cleaners' labour union in Greece

Dear colleagues,

We, your colleagues who work in cleaning companies in Greece and
clean public and private spaces, we send you our solidarity and support.

We face the same problems as you. Our working conditions resemble
also the working conditions of the Middle Ages. We admire you for
your struggle and we hope that more and more workers will join it and
strengthen it so that you would be able to achieve your goals.

We believe that if we fight all together, we will achieve a better future for
us and our children. It is our life and we should not let anybody else to
decide about it. We have to stop them now.

With struggling greetings to all of you,
Do not stop.
We would love to join you physically, our thoughts are with you.

The Union board

Union of Cleaners and Domestic workers, Athens region
48b, G. Septembriou st
Athens –Greece
Tel +302117256527
Mobile: +31 6973837993 – +31 6974029211

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Number of Entries : 435

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