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The replacement of tear gases and stun grenades

For some time now I’ve been concerned with a piece of research related with microwaves, and it first came to my attention during my relevant research while I was studying wireless communications. This was mentioned as the 2004 Olympics security was on debate. The idea was to aim an antenna emitting radiation at microwave frequency (actually slightly higher frequency/smaller wavelength which changes little in term of effects) in order to disperse crowds.

I have heard of experiments and possible trials since 2009 but I didn’t believe such viciousness was possible or that it would make it as a technology since it would need huge sources etc. Nevertheless, it is believed that maybe there where trials it in the Middle East and now the developers of this system are promoting it in the U.S. (with Israel as first potential customers) as the new safe method of crowd control. The situation makes me think that it will soon come here as well (Greece & Europe).

This is a system that emits directional electromagnetic radiation and causes anyone who stands in its path, up to 1 kilometer away, to feel his skin burning and eventually flee.

Generally the microwave (and millimeter wave) radiation has the capacity to oscillate water molecules (even the slightest humidity) so far as to boil them. This system is advertised as a non lethal crowd control weapon that doesn’t cause any permanent side effects.
What all this means is that any mass protest could be dispersed from a distance of one kilometer, and contrary to what they say (if I understand correctly!) prolonged exposure is sure to cause burn, while at the slightest “accidental” over-exposure can cause death. Even if that is not the case the sensation should be horrible and closer to punishment/torture than the peaceful safe non-violent system they advertise.

Initially when I heard of the aim was something like to “bake” Iraqi or Iranian fighter pilots long before engaging in dogfights and that the problem was that it was difficult to mount the huge magnetrons on a fast moving plane.

I believe that crowd control units (such as the infamous M.A.T. ) and tactics against the general civil population and the society are inherently fascist. So if someone wants to resist in the coming years in Greece, they would probably need to carry huge grounded metal shields in order to protect themselves.

I saw in a promotion video smiling test subjects standing in the path of the invisible ray send by a vehicle. I found this video because of a related article that was published in a microwave telecommunications magazine as a great revolution. The remarkable thing is that this is a magazine/site for telecommunications engineers and not some military or government official source. This technology exists as an idea (and very possibly as an application) for years now.  It seems they put a lot of money for promotion.

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