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A "man" elected with the fascist party attacks women live on Greek TV show.

After calling Liana Kaneli (MP elected with the Communist party) “You dirty commie” and throwing a glass of water at Rena Dourou (MP elected with the party Syriza), he started hitting the Liana Kaneli!!!
Ilias Kasidiaris had a court case two days ago because he is accused of robbery, assault, gun possession and gun usage.

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  • Τhe official view of Xrysi Avgi (Golden Dawn) about women (among others) is taking us back to the previous century. Xrysi Avgi does not accept gender equality.
  • Mr Michelakis, the spokesman of New Democracy (conservatives) condemned the action of Kasidiaris. However, mr Michelakis has to be reminded that some days ago his party gave political shelter to Voridis (another ‘good’ guy-former member of LAOS).  “Mr” Voridis was captured on a photo as part of a Nazi group during the ’80′s holding an axe(!) looking for anarchists and leftists to beat.*





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