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23/6 Discussion Amsterdam – The aftermath of the Greek elections

The result of the elections of 17 June creates the necessity of discussing and seeking the way to continue the struggle. Although both the elections of May 6 and those of June 17 delivered the message that people cannot tolerate any more austerity, in the latter elections fear prevailed.
EU-officials crossed any acceptable line, ignored the message of the previous elections and interfered in Greece’s domestic politics demanding that the new government sticks to the commitments of the previous administration. The media imposed a patronized left-right division on the Greek society. The gloomy scenarios, according to which Greece would regress back to the Stone Age in case of a conflict with the EU had the desired effect and people gave a thin majority to the pro-austerity parties.
The election result does not change the fact that the crisis has not ended yet. Therefore, we still feel the urge to assess the outcome of the elections and discuss the prospects for the movement at a local and global level. The elections themselves showed that there are discrepancies in the way old and young people as well as urban- and rural-area residents perceive the crisis. The stabilization of the neo-Nazi party is another worrisome issue to deal with.
We feel that we need to go on! The necessity for improving our lives is so persistent that we have to find a way to continue the struggle against the policies of the EU and the IMF! It is important to discuss again about the ways that will help us keep up the struggle that we have ahead of us. Our aims, our way of organizing actions, our way of communicating with each other for the movement should be discussed again and be further analyzed.


Discussion-event: the aftermath of the Greek elections Saturday 23 June, 15.00, Overtoom 301-Amsterdam


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