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Walmart's First-Ever Retail Worker Strike Spreads To Six Cities

The first-ever strikes by Walmart retail workers have spread to Dallas, Seattle, Miami, Washington D.C., Sacramento and San Francisco.

Walmart workers are striking in at least six cities, according to a release sent out by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union on Tuesday morning. Until last Friday, when about 60 Walmart employees walked off the job for a day in Los Angeles, no Walmart retail workers had ever gone on strike.

The workers are protesting company attempts to “silence and retaliate against workers for speaking out for improvements on the job,” according the press release.

Walmart workers, who are not unionized, have long complained of low pay and a lack of benefits. Walmart is the largest private employer in America with 1.4 million workers. The company calls its workers “associates.”

Some of the striking Walmart associates plan to protest tomorrow in Bentonville, Arkansas, the location of Walmart’s world headquarters where it will host its annual investor event.

Workers employed in Illinois and California warehouses owned by Walmart also went on strike earlier this month.

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Comments (1)

  • disorderisti

    Mic check from the Bentonville, AR #Walmartstrike earlier today.

    “We do not get enough hours, we cannot take care of our families, our managers bully associates, we are striking against retaliation. We are not here individually, we are here as a group. We, as associates, break our back every day. We are disrespected at work every day, we cannot afford our hours being cut, we demand respect from the home office and our management. “No retaliation” policy does not work, “open door” does not work. We are here as a group. We are here as OURWalmart.”

    Know someone who should join them?


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