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Right to Exist! Four Days of Action

Since September 19, 2012 we have been protesting at the Koekamp in The Hague. With our tent camp, we have taken action for our right to stay in the Netherlands. We began in the first week with a four day action. Almost a month later, having received nothing more than a belittling letter from the Return and Departure Agency, it is now due time for the second four day action.

On Wednesday, 17-10-2012, there will be a demonstration to the Justice Ministry and the Ministry of Domestic Affairs. These ministries are responsible for our current situation. Domestic Affairs Minister Leers must recognize our right to stay and the Justice Ministry must stop treating refugees like criminals. We want to show the government officials who we are, and let them know that a solution must be reached!
Meeting time: 11:30, Koekamp

Thursday 18-10-2012, demonstration march to the main office of the CDA (Christian Democratic Union) to confront the representatives about their responsibility. Minister Leers is still working for the CDA. How can this Christian official rationalize treating us in this way?

Friday 19-10-2012: Info-stand, in order to inform the people of the city and to make our problems visible. From 12:00, we will have an info-stand on the Spuiplein and afterwards in Het Plein.

On Saturday October 22, there will be a demonstration through The Hague city center under the motto, “No Person is Illegal.” We are a group of refugees who have been refused asylum by the Dutch government and have been staying in a tent camp since Sept. 19 on the Koekamp in the Hague. We would like to demonstrate with as many people as possible for a humane solution to our lack of rights and for a kinder refugee policy in general. We would also like to inform as many people as possible about the tent camp and our situation.
Location: Tent Camp Recht op Bestaan (Koekamp Den Haag)Time: 14:00

We want a humane solution for all refugees! We are deported refugees who can’t go back to the land that we come from. We can’t be sent away, but also receive no residence permit. Because of this, we live without basic human rights, which everyone is entitled to. We are not only fighting for the people in our situation, but for all of the refugees who instead of being cared for are put away in asylum seekers’ centers, detention centers or are left to fend for themselves on the street without healthcare, shelter, and the prospect of a decent existence. A country such as the Netherlands should care for people who leave their homeland in order to make a normal life for themselves. This is everyone’s right! People do not flee without reason!

Support and help mobilize!

Help us make this a successful demonstration. Spread this message on Facebook, twitter, or on your own website or blog. Would your organization or action-group like to support the protest? Send an e-mail to rechtopbestaan (at)

Let us show with as many people as possible that an end must come to this inhuman policy! We want to live!

No Person is Illegal!



Updates from other countries:

Around 100 demonstrators turned out in Helsinki Friday in support of three Afghani men who are in the second week of a hunger strike after their applications for asylum were rejected by immigration authorities.


Yesterday 73 refugees in centers in Bialystok, Lesznowola, Biala Podlaska and Przemysl went on hunger strike. They are demanding better conditions in the centers, including a stop to abuse and incidents of violence and criminalization. They also want more access to information in their own language, education for their children and more contact with the outside world.

The refugees are from Chechnya and Georgia.

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Number of Entries : 393

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