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Never forget Never forgive

Athens 2008Thessaloniki 2012Bologna, Italy 2012Athens 2012Istanbul, Turkey 2012Athens Antifa banner 2012Bologna, Italy 2012

  In December 2008, “Eleftheros Typos” photojournalist Kostas Tsironis got fired for that photoNapoli, Italy 2012                                          Look at these children; anyone of them could have been AlexisCrete, Greece 2012

Athens  2012


Short updates:

Lot of Greek police violence towards kids today is politically motivated. Goverment doesn’t want to be seen to be losing control as it did in 2008. At least with football hooligans you don’t have to pay them a pension, unlike Greece’s ultra – violent and undisciplined riot police unit.

20 detains and 3 arrests so far.

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Number of Entries : 393

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