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Unpaid work by unemployed people is the suggestion of the ex finance deputy minister, Petros Doukas.

Why not make slaves out of unemployed people?

Unpaid work by unemployed people is the suggestion of the ex finance deputy minister, Petros Doukas.

Mr Doukas outlined on his personal webpage a number of suggestions in order for Greece to exit the crisis. One of his brilliant suggestions is that unemployed people should offer unpaid work wherever the State needs them to. Also enterprises could be asked whether they are interested in having some workers or employees for three months without compensating them for their work. As a matter of fact the State would compensate these enterprises for the cost they will bare for having these employees for free (what an unbearable cost indeed).

Mr Doukas explained why this would be a win-win solution: Enterprises being full of debts cannot afford new employees. On the other hand unemployed people will be able to “un-rust” a little bit and start working instead of doing nothing and come in touch with their employers to be (but why would they hire them if they can have them for free?). In parallel there will be produced valuable projects for the country, now that we all need them (what a patriotic way of putting this!). The production of a project will create opportunities and real demand and need for more work and more real and regular paid jobs (isn’t he a genius?)

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