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The Rise of the Indignant: Spain, Greece, Europe

When Stephane Hessel wrote in Time for Outrage! that indignation with injustice should turn to ‘a peaceful insurrection’ perhaps he did not expect that the movement of ‘indignados’ in Spain and ‘aganaktismenoi’ (outraged) in Greece would take his advice to heart so soon and so spectacularly.

In the following link you can hear the audio from the event organized by the Birckbeck Institute for the Humanities:

Costas Lapavitsas (SOAS)
Carlos Frade (Salford University)
Illan Rua Wall (Oxford Brookes)
Stathis Kouvelakis (King’s College London)
Alex Colas (Birkbeck)
Costas Douzinas (Birkbeck)

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Number of Entries : 68

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