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Solidarity Resistance Self-organization

1In times of economical, social, political and existential crisis, when our rights and our very life are under attack, solidarity is a necessity for the survival of all those who suffer from the neoliberal barbarity. Resistance is the only option against the detrimental policies of both the troika and the governing coalition. Self-organization is the starting point for grassroots mobilization, participation and emancipation.

In the Greek society thousands of people from Crete all the way to Evros, both men and women, young and old, locals and immigrants, people with different political and ideological affiliations are convinced that austerity policies have to be overturned and that nobody should be left to deal with the crisis alone. We have created a whole galaxy of networks of actual solidarity: social infirmaries, social groceries, distribution of free victuals, direct producer-consumer relations, exchange and give away bazaars, supporting courses, time-banks, places for alternative entertainment, as well as structures for legal support and solidarity/social economy.
“Solidarity for Everyone” is a community which strives:

- To facilitate communication between all these networks by listing them according to region and thematic as well as to facilitate the exchange of experience and “expertise”. Solidarity for All is an open community, accessible to anyone who is inspired by the concepts of Solidarity – Resistance – Self-Organization.

It does not strive to express or to represent all these networks, but to be a nationwide node that facilitates communication between them.

- To strengthen all the already existing ventures in every possible way (by supplying materials and people, by economic support, by mutual satisfaction of needs etc.) as well as promote the creation of new ones either in regions where they don’t exist or with thematics that are not covered in a particular region.

- To disseminate the political notion that all of us who suffer by the economic crisis/attack to our rights must take our lives in our own hands. We cannot substitute the – now crumbling – “welfare state”, but in contrast, we have to demand social rights for everyone and the kind of life that every human deserves. We promote the unity of the employed and unemployed, locals and immigrants, medical personnel and patients, educators and students. Through solidarity we prove that we can live better.

- To promote the international campaign of solidarity to the greek people, at the political and economic level, with demonstrations, international days of action, by sending money, medicine and food.

- To promote the horizontal interconnection of foreign organizations and/or institutions with the solidarity networks in Greece.

Solidarity for All aspires to be yet another small step to the struggle for a life without memoranda, poverty, exploitation, fascism and racism.

For the creation of a radical and effective social opposition.


Translated by ReINFORM

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Number of Entries : 393

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